
Active Member
As winter approaches once again I am considering whether an engine pre heater (as from Kenlowe) would be a good investment .
On frosty mornings I start the Disco and have it running for 15 mins or so before I'm due to leave to warm up the interior a little (the children like that )and also help to clear the glass as I consider trying to drive with frosted up windows extremely dangerous - particularly when the sun hits it .
Does anyone on the forum have a pre heater fitted and if so how do you find it ?
I know that starting the engine and leaving it ticking over for a while is considered bad practice but it makes a difference .
I see Craddocks offering one for around £240 and its connected into the coolant system and the unit itself goes behind the battery I think .
buy a garage.
theres a guy near me who does supply and fit, (on your own concrete base) for 999 quid.
I live in Scotland and my disco sits in a cold corner of the garden. I have the standard icepak thingy fitted to my 1 yr old and it's worth evry penny. Earlier this year car was covered top to toe in thick ice / frozen rain on many days. Engine runs warm within 5 minutes if outside is minus 10 or colder. Stopped using de icer and never used a scraper! probably paid for itself already
even a homemade carport will improve things no end. assuming you drive the disco in and dont reverse it in!

i had one yrs ago. (not this house). the difference was amazing.
I live in Switzerland and have been driving a Defender 90 with a Webasto heater for the past 5 years. It has been brilliant. It removes the diersel engine rattle, gives me a warm interior before getting inside, and operates on a timer or a remote control. I highly recommend this product. It really does save engine wear.

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