don't be be daft, not implying anything wammers, anyone who can build something of that sort and fly it with all confidence it won't end their lives is not only very clever but also very confident in their ability's. Now that's a fooking compliment. im not serious about anything in my life other than the fact I appreciate my family and helpful people. Just be careful if the glue gets wet in the rain! :p

Sold it a few years ago now lives somewhere in south Wales i believe. No glue involved. It's all alloy, rivets a bolts and things like that hold it together. ;)
Sold it a few years ago now lives somewhere in south Wales i believe. No glue involved. It's all alloy, rivets a bolts and things like that hold it together. ;)
So no jolly this weekend then, might as well sort the eas then :(
I know. Lifes a bitch. Then you die :(

You need to approach it in a logic sequence. First thing you need is good air. Then fix and clear any faults that keep coming up. Ensure no leaks. Set everything to standard. And see what you get. If all is then well end of story. If not then you can start going through things until you find the problem.
You need to approach it in a logic sequence. First thing you need is good air. Then fix and clear any faults that keep coming up. Ensure no leaks. Set everything to standard. And see what you get. If all is then well end of story. If not then you can start going through things until you find the problem.
Will do
Unless you live inside the arctic circle 5W 30 is too thin. Don't use anything without a 10W rating. 10W 30 is recommended for our climate. On an older engine 10W 40 would be better.

Been running on 10W40 for many years, swapped for 5W40 and it's sooo much better and quieter.

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