Dorset VogueSE

Well-Known Member
When I recently bought my P38, i did as much as possible to ensure the car was right. Checked all the numbers matched with the log book etc etc and all was OK. After a couple of recent niggles and looking more closely, the block looks very clean and dare I say "new". Does anyone know of a site that has the original numbers the car left the factory with?. I'm assuming that if the block has been changed it was done properly and DVLA informed. I have looked at other threads about engine numbers but could'nt find anything that helped.
If the number on the block matches the V5 logbook, I would assume the DVLA were informed of any changes. Or maybe it's just a nice clean engine that has been well-valeted before sale?

As I recall, you can get info about previous owners from the DVLA. Maybe they can share info about any spec changes too, it might be worth giving them a bell (although getting through to a real person to speak too can be difficult sometimes lol). Or maybe enquire at your local DVLA office?
I needed the emergency key code for my motor and the radio code [not needed as it was written on the top of the radio]. I went to my local landrover place and they did a free vehicle condition test and called all the info about the vehicle on their data base. I don't know if you can walk in off the street and just ask for this. Coincidentally, I phoned the dealers of the previous owner who were happy to give me the service history according to their data base. Totally useless info, maybe, but you never know. DVLA's web site give a list of local offices. regards P.S
If someone has fitted a new short engine, it's possible that they did not bother to tell the DVLA and some of the new engines from non LR companies do not follow the LR numbering. That said, the quality of these new engines are generally excellent.
when my engine, was re machined with new top hat liners the engine number and compression ration was machined off. there for thay needed to be re stamped. nothing dodgy. just one of those things.

I wouldnt worry about it. may be yours has had major engine work. then thats a bonus.

Yep, I spotted many a give away that the engine had been dismantled on my P38. I forgot to mention, by the way, that when I finally renewed the engine I submitted the new number as a change of details. Officially you're supposed to provide evidence of the supplier/fitter of the engine. They weren't at all interested. From what I gather, the main thing is the vehicle number and ensuring it hasn't been tampered with. I don't know about the P38 but when I took my classic to keep the reg number, the DVLA took it to pieces (figuratively) until they found a number stamped on the chassis. It looks like you've fluked a new engine, but if you're worried you could research this additional identification.Just thinking out loud, really. Did you buy it on a lay-bye from a bloke in a beat up tranny?
Did you buy it on a lay-bye from a bloke in a beat up tranny?
Nope, came from a proper used car place and got a 2year insurance warranty thingy on it. They must think its ok to give that out. Will try to find the history from previous owner, but it looks like I may have been lucky and got a new motor into the bargain. It would be nice to know what the internals are though (top hat liners or not).
Guys, Situation updated:
Done some searching on tinternet thingy and found the following. My engine No. starts XM46D3, which apparantly is the 4.6L, 9.34:1 engine manufactured by MCT in Weston Super Mud. Apparantly they won the contract to continue making the V8s after LR stopped production in 2002-ish. This means it is a new lump, but does anyone know what spec they are made to, are they building them with top hat liners???
The one I've just had fitted starts XM46D3 and I was assured that it was a 4litre, (replacing a four litre) It's from a landrover main agent. Now you mention it, logic tells me that the "46" would indicate 4.6 litre. You've got me wondering, now. Does a 4.6 just drop in to replace a 4.00 without changing anything else? I asked about the top hat thing and it hadn't, but that doesn't mean yours hasn't. The machine shop must start with a bare block. God knows how you could tell retrospectively. No doubt the answer'll arrive before the pubs open.:) regards P.S
if your engine was a genuine land rover replacement engine then it wont have top hat liners fitted. as land rover deny there is a problem with the design. As for fitting a 4.6 engine in were a 4.0 was. the auto box is different. I dont know in what way but they are different. plus you need to change all the cleaver electronic bits and pieces related to the engine management. There not like the old rangies were you could take a 3.5 out and fit a 3.9 or 4.0 litre into the same hole with ease. gone are the good old days!!.
the auto box is different. I dont know in what way but they are different. plus you need to change all the cleaver electronic bits and pieces related to the engine management.

I thought that. So the "46" in the engine number is just a distraction, it seems. regs P.S

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