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have a 4.6 gems i am supercharging..its from a known sourse, warrenty etc..

now cleaning it up etc and i noticed no engine numbers no cr number and painted in a hammerite type paint, grenny silver, including the sump..sprayed,not hand painted..also painted before ancillarys ftted,ie as a long block.
engine number has not been ground out,casting is as new and bare..only casting numbers are hrc2411..so its cross bolted..can see the bolts anyway..

is this likely to be a LR replacement?
The original number will be on the left hand bank / nearside, by the dipstick tube. If it is a genuine replacement then there will be a silver plate on the front nearside face of the block usually starting with AAA ......... and a part number for the complete engine STC ... from memory. It is stuck on with black sealant. If your block has no number by the dipstick then it may have been removed when the block was skimmed as the later stamping are not very deep when compared to earlier 3.5 ones.
thats what i thought

its not been skimmed..there are casting flashings on where stamp should be..but no stuck on plate..(anymore,that i can find..)

would sound like someones just fitted a new block and didnt restamp old number,factory recon or reputable company would have a number
aha..found da lr plate!!hidden behind steering pump/air con bracket..

its indeed an lr service replacement..thats good.

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