
New Member
Eyup! Does anyone know where the engine number is located on a puma, 2.4.
I can't find it anywhere. Clues for the clueless please.

First one to say On The Engine wins the Nobel prize for being whitty.

Cheers J
No one knows!
Not one response? Not even a mocking one, and I love the mocking ones.
Two possible reasons for this is:
A; no one has the faintest.
B; no one gives a monkeys
Never mind it doesnt matter any more. If the DVLA want the engine number they can come and find it themselves.
Well done Redhand. U tha Man!
An awsome point well made. I couldnt believe my foolishness in mistakenly buying a landy with a proven strong and reliable ford transit engine in it. Imagine my embarasment. I'll never live this one down. If you didnt laugh, you cry. Wait till everyone else finds out.
Cooor.. anyway life moves on.

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