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Hi I have a 200 Tdi and its developed a noise around the bottom end of the engine I noticed when idling that the bottom crank pulley apears to wobble and is causing this noise. Can that be loose...I asked someone and they said it could be wear on the woodruff key or the crank shaft itself and could be terminal.. is this the case or have you heard of this before it still drives ok but does have slight vibration.....Regards Rog xx:confused:
what really and do Craddocks and such like sell them..I take it that big bolt cant be too easy to get out and should be renewed, if i take all the belts of will that raise timming issues or are they just ancillary belts...Rog xx
the belts will need to be removed just make sure you don't turn the engine over with the belts off. most places like crads, pads or beamends etc sell bottom pulleys
I would imagine that if the Crankshaft pulley is worn to make it wobble, then the wear will be in both the pulley and the crankshaft (hence the terminal quote), take the pulley off and have a look, worse case scenario is new crankshaft and pulley (still definitely not terminal - just expensive). good luck.
aye. this is the sort of job that must be done quickly or you could be looking at mega bucks to fix it. if its caught quickly enough the crank woodruff slot and key will be ok. then just fit a new pulley.
Easy enough job Roger old bean. Loosen the pulley nut with the belt on. Remove said belt and pulley nut. Pulley will need a three legged puller to extract it from the shaft more than likely. Once the belts off, like yella says ffs dont move owt. Put yer new pulley and then yer belt back, tension the belt then nip the pulley nut up chap.

Regards WP.
Well guys sorry its taken so long but I now have the bottom pulley off and the big heavy weighted thing it fits on to is cracked. I take it this is some sort of balance or summit and the woodruff key is loose in its slot and has worn the heavy thing down. Can you tell me the proper name for this bit. If I have gone this far I would be as well changing the cambelt and renewing the seals and stuff. I think I am going to have to weld a new key back in there because the new one will still have movement I this an acceptable thing to do. Do I have any way to check the crank at this stage or just fit all the new bits back on and see how it runs...phew sorry guys but I do know my engine a bit better....A thing of beauty....Any suggestions.....Rog xxxx
the correct way is to remove the crank and take it to an engineer who will machine a new key and slot, and pulley, to fit all 3 pieces.
or a new crank or a used engine.

the ormus way is to weld the fooker. and see how it goes.
(then sell it PDQ!).
Are you for real dude....surely once the repair has been done it should be top of the that not the case. I wont need to sell it man thats me Landy yer talkin about here... but if thats what you think man but be serious its costin a lot of Wonga.....AAARRRggghh
just giving you all the options, mate.
you may be able to weld it and you might get away with it.
but if it lets go in a big way then it would have been cheaper to do the job right in the first instance.
just summat to think about.
sorry Roger, but I'm with Ormus all the way,

Take the crank out and have it machined - she'll be as good as new, or weld her up and sell or hope - btw how much wear is there on the crankshaft itself other than keyway?

Had the crank been morse tapered it woulda been a different proposition, but their not, so don't know why I'm mentioning it really :cool:
How much more work will I have to do to get the crank out I now have all the front covers off and can see all the cam and crank pulleys would it be to much for the bodgit and scarper mechanic such as myself to get that out and back in safely cause all the bottom end will have to come off eh......mmmm Rog xxxx
ok thats decided then the engine stays in and take me chance if its no good it can go so watch this space thanks guys Rog xxxx

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