Bloody hell!!!
Why so complicated!!
I just don't understand it, I don't...I really don't get it... .. it's all wrong .
What's wrong with the world..
Where did we go wrong....
Ah! Flares... I give up ...I'm done...
Bloody hell!!!
Why so complicated!!
I just don't understand it, I don't...I really don't get it... .. it's all wrong .
What's wrong with the world..
Where did we go wrong....
Ah! Flares... I give up ...I'm done...
There there Calm down dear boy :(
Stick to inflatable mounts and you’ll be fine :rolleyes::rolleyes::D:D
Sixers tend to be even smoother if running right.. ;)

Fives are naturally unbalanced, yet tend to be smooth.. o_O

The only downside to the 5 is torque imbalance, not that it's really noticeable, they actually have a power over-stroke whereby one cyl is firing before another has completed it's cycle.

In a six that doesn't occur, but yes they are smoother. Basically 2 x threes nailed together.
Fours have quite a deficit of power stroke, but can be balanced via other means.

Lovely warbler the fives;):D
In a 4 stroke engine, anything with more than 4 cylinders has a power overlap, it can't not have.
6ers and 12ers are inherently smooth by nature due to the power output being nicely spaced throughout the full 360 degrees of revolution.
I do agree however that 5ers do have a nice sound to them. The Audi Quattro rally cars were my first experience of that and I wanted one badly when I was young!
Sixers tend to be even smoother if running right.. ;)

Fives are naturally unbalanced, yet tend to be smooth.. o_O
Sometimes with the aid of balancer shaft(s).
My last 4 cylinder diesel had a balancer shaft and was considerably smoother than the BMW M51 lump.
In a 4 stroke engine, anything with more than 4 cylinders has a power overlap, it can't not have.
6ers and 12ers are inherently smooth by nature due to the power output being nicely spaced throughout the full 360 degrees of revolution.
I do agree however that 5ers do have a nice sound to them. The Audi Quattro rally cars were my first experience of that and I wanted one badly when I was young!
V6's are only smooth with 120 degree crank throws.
In a 4 stroke engine, anything with more than 4 cylinders has a power overlap, it can't not have.
6ers and 12ers are inherently smooth by nature due to the power output being nicely spaced throughout the full 360 degrees of revolution.
I do agree however that 5ers do have a nice sound to them. The Audi Quattro rally cars were my first experience of that and I wanted one badly when I was young!
Smoothest engine I ever drove was a DKW 3 cylinder 2 stroke, great exhaust note too. The downside was the smoke trail it left behind.:eek:
Anyhow, I thought BMW's 6cyl were supposed to be the smoother engines??
On a 5cyl like the Volvo and VW units maybe...

Engines with an odd number of cylinders run smoother than those with an even number of cylinders.
Any ways, nice hijack. I have stripped down inlet manifold, erg valve and cleaned them thoroughly. Cleaned out sensor spigot entry hole and put back together. I noticed that there was a rattle type noise and found that the jubilee type thing was not meeting up and therefore allowing boost to escape. I took this off again ans saw that it was out of shape. I reshaped and refitted as best as I could and rattle has stopped. Took for hardship test run and touch wood, judder has stopped. So far happy days

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