
Well-Known Member
Every now and then when i start car i get engine disabled then if i turn key to start position it says press remote, i do this and it starts!
I thought it was because the battery cover was loose on the remote and causing remote to lose sync! but ive got a new case on it and its still doing it
At a guess id say every 10-15 starts
Definatly a key sync issue....

I take it you have replaced the batteries in the fob??

I had similar issues with mine for a while - completely disappeared after replacing the keyfob battery. Island 4x4 do a keyfob repair kit which has battery, replacement cover, o-ring and replacement buttons for the price of a couple of beers.
Are you perhaps missing the obvious here in that there is a only a short delay between unlocking the vehicle and immobilisation? I found this almost every morning as I take son to school on the way to work. Pattern was walk to passenger side, unlock - son gets in front whilst I put bags in n/s rear and walk around o/s open door and get in. "Engine Disabled". Now I hit the unlock button a second time as I walk behind car to get in - no message! Delay is around 30 seconds between unlock and re-immobilise...
Are you perhaps missing the obvious here in that there is a only a short delay between unlocking the vehicle and immobilisation? I found this almost every morning as I take son to school on the way to work. Pattern was walk to passenger side, unlock - son gets in front whilst I put bags in n/s rear and walk around o/s open door and get in. "Engine Disabled". Now I hit the unlock button a second time as I walk behind car to get in - no message! Delay is around 30 seconds between unlock and re-immobilise...

Mmmm 30seconds posable!!! After ive put my work bags in boot ect.. ill watch for that
Yes i changed batterys it was the referb kit mentioned above but its the same with my spaire key witch is also beaten
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Just thought dont know if its related somtimes when locking, it comletly ignores me and have to press unlock (doors all click) then lock
Just thought dont know if its related somtimes when locking, it comletly ignores me and have to press unlock (doors all click) then lock

Don't know if it's general, but I seem to have some 'blind spots' where the remote is concerned - particularly o/s rear quarter. You might find it's a range/signal issue rather than ignoring you... :D

Edit: worth noting that with the Disco, I could arm/disarm alarm from inside the house - 30-40 feet away - can't do that with P38, 10' at best!
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Just thought dont know if its related somtimes when locking, it comletly ignores me and have to press unlock (doors all click) then lock

How's your ignition barrel? Do you get the warning that ignition key is still in when getting out? Had that on mine and that caused the same issue.
Could be the RF receiver going on the blink. I unlock and sometimes it's 10 minutes before the missus arrives but no disabled message when I eventually start it. However mines a MY2000 which is different to earlier models.
Mine comes up with engine disabled if I unlock and spend a while putting stuff in the boot or the back seats.
Been away a few days so catching up with the treads.

My P38a becomes immobilised if there is a delay between unlocking and starting the engine. In the immobilised state if I insert key 2 into the ignition the fob blinks and I can start the engine - I think this is how it is supposed to work. If I insert key 1 the fob doesn't blink and I have to press the unlock button before I can start the engine. Fitting new batteries makes no difference.
Yea ive been paying more atention to it and it is somthing to do with the time it takes before starting it
Never does it if i jump straight in
Same as if i put the key in but not turn it i can sit there all day id it starts fine
Must be something to do with the time taken between unlock and the ignition reciving the key
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