I should have said that I'm attributing the good news so far to getting her ignition 'flaps' cleaned out and to the better weather resolving a bit of 'dampness' around the BECM. Cue the double entendres..........

All in all another Landyzone victory.
By way of an update 'The Duchess' is back on the road! Day by day the errant messages disappeared, functions of things like windows & sunroof corrected themselves so away we went. Now using it for my thrice weekly commute to the restoration shop BUT I still don't have the bottle to use the fob buttons in case I end up back at square one! Nanocom? Not such a success. cutting a long story short, having taken on the chin over a hundred quid's worth of import duty (My own fault I suppose, I voted to leave the EU!) it just never 'fired up' Black Box are helpful so far, all may come good in the end. Thanks for all the advice and reassurance tho' I could have still been struggling!
I presume you have checked the diagnostic port fuse ?

Does the Nanocom boot up when connecting USB to a PC ? There's also a DC power socket for when you want to play with menus indoors !!
Wow! That's out of my comfort zone! I'm relying on my son to sort this out. It hasn't even been connected to the car yet. Blackbox say try a 'firmware update' but he tells me that hasn't worked.
The car has has stuff connected to its OBD in the past with no problems. I'm grateful for the info but best I can do is pass it on to my IT expert before the whole lot gets bagged up whence it came!
Does it boot up when connected to a PC? He tells me that you can't get beyond the opening frame.
I take it you have installed the Vehicle Explorer then you can update.God I sound as if I know what I'm talking about:eek: I was in your position years ago and the THING was thrown into a cupboard in the garage until one day I decided to try again;)
If you are running it daily you should be okay to use the fob. Mine would only drain in the dead of winter if I used the fob and left it standing, so I use only the key at those times. Otherwise it’s been fine but I don’t see it makes much difference (fob or key) other than wearing your door microswitches out long term - which are handy to keep for EKA emergencies, which again will be irrelevant once you get the nanocom up and running.

Damp can take a long time to clear the underlay to the carpet can literally hold gallons. When mine stood for some time I put old towels under there and rung them out periodically as my windscreen was shot.
Vehicle explorer? That's a new one on me! I'll ask the guru.
Should be on the disc that came with it, unless you haven't got a disc drive on your laptop, then I'm buggered.:eek: you could try Googling black box solutions vehicle explorer you may be able to install it without a disc. As you can tell I'm putor illiterateo_O
Here's an update on 'the Duchess.' Whilst waiting for Blackbox to replace the Nanocom (which they did without issue) all of the functions came back, one by one. Even the remote locking. So the car was brought back into service alongside our Freelander 2. I must say that, much as I enjoy the liveliness of the FL I have missed the sheer class of the P38. That meant the Nanocom staying in its lovely box for now - What a piece of work that box is!
Anyway, rose tinted specs were on, but not for long!
Friday morning start...... Beep, beep. Engine disabled. We're not going anywhere today. First attempts with Nano - under my son's close supervision - All sorts of messages including 'Market not set' Eventually managed to get it to turn over but still no start. Strangely the throttle pedal has lost all feel too. Thoroughly fed up, we left the thing on the drive, unlocked because the buttons don't work again. It'll be middle of next week before I can try again.
Here's an update on 'the Duchess.' Whilst waiting for Blackbox to replace the Nanocom (which they did without issue) all of the functions came back, one by one. Even the remote locking. So the car was brought back into service alongside our Freelander 2. I must say that, much as I enjoy the liveliness of the FL I have missed the sheer class of the P38. That meant the Nanocom staying in its lovely box for now - What a piece of work that box is!
Anyway, rose tinted specs were on, but not for long!
Friday morning start...... Beep, beep. Engine disabled. We're not going anywhere today. First attempts with Nano - under my son's close supervision - All sorts of messages including 'Market not set' Eventually managed to get it to turn over but still no start. Strangely the throttle pedal has lost all feel too. Thoroughly fed up, we left the thing on the drive, unlocked because the buttons don't work again. It'll be middle of next week before I can try again.
That really does sound like your BeCM is losing all power somehow. It is usual for all of the windows and the sunroof needing to be reset after a power-outage to the BeCM but I haven't heard of it losing the "Market" setting before.
I take it you have checked all the usual suspects (Battery needs to be TIP-TOP and >12.4v, the earth connections for all the wiring need to be in good shape and the fuse-box not showing signs of being a "crispy-critter" with burnt smells and charring under relays etc.). They are fabulous when they are running but utter "so and so's" when they are not. Good Luck with it. :)
Thanks Dan, for your luck and advice. Battery brand new (from the last time we had the problem) All electrical components look like new. I'm thinking damp. Question: All sources say BECM is under the right hand seat where it shouldn't be able to get wet. However, others on here refer to something under the left hand front carpet which could quite likely be wet even though the carpet itself is dry. What is that component and could it be contributing to the problem?
Thanks Dan, for your luck and advice. Battery brand new (from the last time we had the problem) All electrical components look like new. I'm thinking damp. Question: All sources say BECM is under the right hand seat where it shouldn't be able to get wet unless the vehicle goes w. However, others on here refer to something under the left hand front carpet which could quite likely be wet even though the carpet itself is dry. What is that component and could it be contributing to the problem?
On UK vehicles the BeCM is under the drivers seat. I would think unless the vehicle goes wading it should not be a problem. It can get affected by leaks from the heater matrix core connections, but if the carpets are dry I would think this unlikely. There are connectors at the base of the "A-Pillars" and if these get wet corrosion can set in and cause unpredictable results. I have had 2 Rangies and have been fortunate NOT to have had this problem myself (as far as I know). ;)
Thanks again Dan, the heater is out of the line at present fro me to fix the 'o' rings. I'll try and find those connectors at the base of the A Pillars. Plan is to put this on back burner for now and use the FL or an MGF which we've recently acquired.
Sometimes you've just gotta walk away and have a think. I suffered a few health problems this time last year and exploited the P38 by not keeping up to date with the constant stream of tinkering which is part of owning one.
Check the carpet underlay in the drivers foot well especially a you have had leaking O rings. Battery voltage should be at least 12.6 volts after standing, anything less and the voltage may drop too much on load to keep the electronics happy.
The faults are typical of condensation inside the BECM and/or corroded connectors. A faulty feed from the under bonnet fuse box can also cause problems.
Thanks Dt That'll be a place to start next time I'm on it. I need to do a proper job on this so a plan for alternative transpost is becoming a must.
Here's an update on 'the Duchess.' Whilst waiting for Blackbox to replace the Nanocom (which they did without issue) all of the functions came back, one by one. Even the remote locking. So the car was brought back into service alongside our Freelander 2. I must say that, much as I enjoy the liveliness of the FL I have missed the sheer class of the P38. That meant the Nanocom staying in its lovely box for now - What a piece of work that box is!
Anyway, rose tinted specs were on, but not for long!
Friday morning start...... Beep, beep. Engine disabled. We're not going anywhere today. First attempts with Nano - under my son's close supervision - All sorts of messages including 'Market not set' Eventually managed to get it to turn over but still no start. Strangely the throttle pedal has lost all feel too. Thoroughly fed up, we left the thing on the drive, unlocked because the buttons don't work again. It'll be middle of next week before I can try again.

Throttle pedal often gets soaked when heater o-rings are leaking and that stuffs it. If carpet is wet the BECM may also be suffering.

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