
New Member
Help!:confused: Gotta strange problem with my 300tdi disco engine. Started about 18 mths ago when coming off a motorway and decelerating down the slip road when I realized the engine had died. Flooring the throttle during overrun produced lots of smoke but engine would not restart and we ground to a halt. Then when trying to start up the engine would not turn over, exactly as if the battery was flat – except it wasn’t. After ten minutes of head scratching (mine, not the tdi’s:rolleyes:), a turn of the key and it started instantly. No more problems for 9 months or so then a repeat of the problem, again after coming off a motorway…
Then it started happening more often (always after some “full” throttle work) but never during “in town” driving.
We returned from holiday this week and during the 750km auto route run down to Spain and then back, the engine ALWAYS cut out on the overrun arriving at the toll booths or on heavy deceleration. Once or twice I managed to “catch” the engine by changing down and pumping the throttle but always producing clouds of smoke! However, if we came to a stop, the engine would never turn over on the starter, appearing “tight” ( the battery is new, the a/c turned off).
Since then even shortly after starting off, if I accelerate to 60mph and then lift off, the engine dies, will not turn over until after a short wait, then smokes like hell for a few moments.
Runs normally otherwise, pulls fairly well, cruises at 80mph for hours, does not burn any engine oil, loses no coolant etc?????:confused::mad:
How does your oil look/smell? It sounds like you are getting too much fuel at idle and not enough air. Maybe the tight starting is a hydraulic lock. No a good situation and it would kill the engine.

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