
New Member
Our 72 s3 starts ok, runs ok but when you come up to a junction it keeps cutting out. Its a 2.25 petrol that we have just bought and I was thinking perhaps it just needs a bloody good service as it was'nt used regularly by the previous owner.
Any tips or advise would be helpfull. Oh yeah, its running a zenith carb if that makes any odds.
ta Paul
although it seems to be a fueling problem you'd probably be best to start by bunging new plugs, condensor and points in, check yer rotor arm and dizzy cap. and for all they cost new plug leads. once thats done you can check yer carbatooter mixture setting.. the reason being that if you do the carb first , you'll then have to do it again after renewing yer points and stuff.
also if its not bin used fer ages the plug leads could well be fooked yer points will not be in the best of condition neither.
although it seems to be a fueling problem you'd probably be best to start by bunging new plugs, condensor and points in, check yer rotor arm and dizzy cap. and for all they cost new plug leads. once thats done you can check yer carbatooter mixture setting.. the reason being that if you do the carb first , you'll then have to do it again after renewing yer points and stuff.
also if its not bin used fer ages the plug leads could well be fooked yer points will not be in the best of condition neither.

Sounds a good idea to start with the basics, where would you suggest I get the bits from, LR dealer or mail order. Not sure yet where the best places to buy spares from without having my trousers pulled down:eek: if you know what I mean! ta Paul

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