
New Member
Hi, I have a 78 Series 3 with an 88 Defender 2.5 Petrol Engine fitted. Starts first tine (generally!!) runs as sweet as a nut until it get's warm and I'm only talking about going 5 miles or so then cuts out. Generally at a junction or when you blip the throttle. It just won't start again until it cools down. 15 to 20 min wait.

Anyone got any ideas, had the same problem?

Many thanks. :)
coil or points and condenser at a guess or timing- does it run with choke pulled out
Sorry should have mentioned it has been converted and has an electronic ignition fitted (Lumination, I think?).

Haven't tried using the choke when it is warm and cut out. Will go and try though..:eek:
Sorry should have mentioned it has been converted and has an electronic ignition fitted (Lumination, I think?).

Haven't tried using the choke when it is warm and cut out. Will go and try though..:eek:

If the distributor advance/vac advance or timing are out as mixture leans out it can cause problems.

Also coil or electronic ignition can cause problems-check spark
Could also check the fuel lines are well away from hot surfaces to..

Had this problem once on a series.. Fuel got hot in the lines and causes an air lock in pipe..
Thanks guy's for all the advice. I touched the coil yesterday after it had cut out and it was so hot you couldn't keep your hand on it, I mean really hot!! Off to get a new coil this morning to see if that helps. Will also check the fuel line. It has been rerouted around the front of the engine over the top of the fan shroud, but it has been very hot which won't have helped. A neighbour has an old Mk2 Jag and his conked out on the M4 the other week. He reckons fuel problem on that.

Again many thanks for the advice..
Well guy's replaced the coil and fingers crossed all seems to be working perfectly. Running well, thanks very much to all who gave advice and help.

Well guy's replaced the coil and fingers crossed all seems to be working perfectly. Running well, thanks very much to all who gave advice and help.

May i ask what coil you replaced it with as I have the exact same problem bud Garage has put a new carb new electronic fuel pump I heard something about ballast in the coil but I have no idea what that means ? Thanks Nick

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