Morning all. Had the landy a few weeks now and filled up with fuel twice. Starts fine but as I drive off from the petrol station, when I slow down to a halt or brake, the engine cuts out. The next morning, it starts and drives fine until I topped up again, which was last night. This morning totally fine? Had a google but apart from suggestions that the petrol cap vent hole is blocked (checked this morning and it doesn't have any vent holes as far as i can see) i've not found anything. Adding Castrol lead additive at every top up. Any help greatly appreciated. Mark
Is the idle set correctly?
Next time you fillup leave the cap off ! And see if the fault occurs
Going to look a right numpty here Chris, but I wouldn't know if the idle is set correctly or not! All i know is it's running fine all week, as soon as I fill up it cuts out!
Any pointers appreciated.
If its a venting problem then leaving the cap off when you fill up will indicate this!
Idle is around 850rpm but you need a multimeter to check
The cap is off when refuelling Chris ... or petrol would go all over the floor and not in the tank! .... i'm sure I'm not getting what you mean
Sorry Mark I mean you leave the cap off after refuelling (don't fill to high) and drive a short distance to see if you experience a stall? If not its venting problem if yes its something else! Just eliminate one at a time
Could be an overheating problem, when you stop then restart the engine spreads its heat to the fuel pump, dissy and coil which gets blown away by the breeze when you're running. I ended up changing to an electric fuel pump.

First, can you confirm it is a petrol.

Next try going for a run, then just parking up, in a sheltered spot, with engine off (not refuelling) and then see if the symptoms repeat.
Hi Dominic,Yes, petrol 21/4. The engine isn't overheating, in fact the temp gauge hardly gets above cold. Starts on the button everyday. Only happens when i filled up. The old chap i bought it off says he takes the metal filter thing completely out when filling? Wonder if that could be causing a venting problem? seems unlikely to me, but what do i know!
Yes, if you leave the filter in when using a petrol pump, it takes forever to fill. Use it when filling from a can, to avoid any sh1t getting in. You could leave it out when you're driving, but I can't see why it should be causing this problem. There is a chain attached, but on mine that's long gone.
Venting problem is SO unlikely, Landy caps are hardly close fitting...................... I tend to agree with the heat/vapour lock theory - fuel pumps, although simple can have intermittent faults. Next time this happens before attempting a restart prime the pump with a few strokes on the lever [handy if you've got a see through filter in line before the carb] if the lever offers some resistance it's at least working a bit. Try to start it - bet it'll go. Good news replacement pumps are cheap. Good luck

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