Ok so nothing just turned over, did again and then turned over with foot to floor, engine started but only on full throttle and like a bag of nails, sounded like on 2 cylinders or something, kicking out some smoke too but it is cold so maybe some was hot air into cold? Am gonna leave ignition on again and try once more, if no luck then I am done for today, too cold and nothing open anyway
Ok so nothing just turned over, did again and then turned over with foot to floor, engine started but only on full throttle and like a bag of nails, sounded like on 2 cylinders or something, kicking out some smoke too but it is cold so maybe some was hot air into cold? Am gonna leave ignition on again and try once more, if no luck then I am done for today, too cold and nothing open anyway

Reckon if I was you I would start by looking at checking the fuel pressure or flow and go from there. BUt gut says @Magicgrotto is right and it is the RED Minkees....or the pump. When you get in the warm, watch the vids, was the pump running when it was cycling during the purge procedure?

I've had a gut full of td5 fuel pump problems this past few weeks, if it turns out to be your pump don't get a cheap one, they are just that! Would recommend you go for the VDO original equipment pump even though they cost a lot more. good luck
umm to be honest I I can't afford an original looking at the prices, may have to bite my fingers, pop in a cheap one to at least be back on the road. fit a oem when i can afford it. x mas / New boat wiped me out
I am going to take the pump out tomorrow and see if it is blocked, worth doing before buying another, i will syphon off the fuel first though and also change filter when finished.
fingers crossed.
Also be vigilant for diesel bug, gelatine like substance will be actively growing bug, black **** will be dead bug, both cause blockage
yes ive been reading about this bug, never heard of it before but in the last six months or so i have.

It does seem that the Td5 might be more prone to the diesel bug than some other vehicles. It is thought that this might be because the fuel returned to the tank tends to be warm, raising the temperature of the entire contents of the fuel tank possibly to a level which promotes the growth of the diesel bug bacteria. It's thought that the bug lives on the interface between the diesel fuel and any water or moisture which might have accumulated at the bottom of the tank.
The obvious method of eradicating it would be to remove the entire contents of the tank and discard them, followed by a full wash out of the complete fuel delivery system. However, there is another method requiring the use of a bacteriacide to destroy the bug. It's not particularly cheap, but marine diesel users do recommend using such treatments. It is also recommended that in use, the tank contents aren't allowed to drop too low before refuelling.

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I popped the pump out, didn' take long, wasn' s filled with crap as I was expecting, cleaned up the gause filter and put it back in, went through purge cycle 3 times and gain will only sound like firing up at full throttle but doesn't actually start.
I have given up for today as my hip is giving me jip, I will try blowing through the pipes tomorrow from the filter end after removing from the pump, if still no luck I will get a new pump and hope for the best.
Hi KB,

as said before, I would pop the quick release connection off of the FPR and check how much fuel you get out when the pump is running in 15 secs.

Hi KB,

as said before, I would pop the quick release connection off of the FPR and check how much fuel you get out when the pump is running in 15 secs.

Hi Neilly, yes am going to do that tomorrow with my son, we both think it'
A blockage not the pump so fingers crossed I can get it running again, I am fortunate to have a friend that' letting me have his car all day so I am able to go and get a pump if I need one.

Here is some info , if you do not have it already. When you have the connection off, if you have one, it is also worth fitting a pressure gauge to check that as well.

The delivered flow to the FPR is not huge but if you can check the pressure it should be around 4 bar. I tried emptying my tank via the pipe at the FPR and it took a fairly long time (pump was fine btw).
The delivered flow to the FPR

True, but it will show if there is a problem, or if it is tryiing to run on the LP side . Empty the tank using via the FPR, that is a crazy thing to do , were you bored??? ..:p

True, but it will show if there is a problem, or if it is tryiing to run on the LP side . Empty the tank using via the FPR, that is a crazy thing to do , were you bored??? ..:p

:) I was bored after emptying about 10 litres, gave up and decided to lower the tank with the remaining contents. Luckily it only had about 20 litres in anyway...
Very silly question I know but how can an automaic be towed, is it possible at all, I have half a mile back to marina and maybe 3/4 mile to yard
Ah at least I could pull it away from the big puddle that' formed under it....just about to try the hp pipe on engine block

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