Understood.... never knew these forums were so difficult to stick your head into. it was a genuine attempted, very badly implemented, to offer a fully working engine, not scrap, to a group of people who I though may appreciate it.

You've been lucky, everyone's polite tonight!

Must be unwell ....

The trouble is we get so many people, one-hit wonders, just trying to offload junk when we're actually more like a group of like-minded mates having a laugh, hence why we developed rules to stop crap happening, people getting ripped off etc. It's not about you personally (well, not much) it's about why should we take the chance? As has been said before, "They all say they're legit"
You've been lucky, everyone's polite tonight!

Must be unwell ....

The trouble is we get so many people, one-hit wonders, just trying to offload junk when we're actually more like a group of like-minded mates having a laugh, hence why we developed rules to stop crap happening, people getting ripped off etc. It's not about you personally (well, not much) it's about why should we take the chance? As has been said before, "They all say they're legit"
Bloody hell, I wouldn't of liked to of opened the door on a typical night then!
Heheheh, it isn't pleasant when the peasants revolt ...
Bloody hell, I wouldn't of liked to of opened the door on a typical night then!

I still want to know how much you want for this engine?

£50 only if it comes complete with manifolds, gearbox and ECUs, now just tell me where to pick it up, there's a good lad.
I'm considering meself amongst the peasants these days .. and I normally ruffle someones feathers so I ain't stopping now!


You'll fit in well, I think, if you stay and enjoy the laugh .. :)
I still want to know how much you want for this engine?

£50 only if it comes complete with manifolds, gearbox and ECUs, now just tell me where to pick it up, there's a good lad.
Sorry, not allowed to sell on here... got ripped to shreads about that earlier.....

that offer cuts deep, it's housed in a loverly Vauxhall body, only rear wheel drive. and easily stuck in a 2inch muddle puddle!
The rule stops me posting in the selling section. which only makes sense to stop adverts and spam.
So you aren't advertising, just testing water. It'll be 2 parts hydrogen 1 part oxygen, I guarantee it, maybe with mature slappers floating on top
Of course there should be 50 meaningful posts. I've heard that some of the mods might be inclined to mess about with the total posts made by someone attempting to sell something. Wouldn't that be awful.
I also rememer the fella that said it was illgal to alter posts...he was funny.
So you aren't advertising, just testing water. It'll be 2 parts hydrogen 1 part oxygen, I guarantee it, maybe with mature slappers floating on top
Got Evian here... no floaters though, just whatever the French stick in it before they send it over!
Of course there should be 50 meaningful posts. I've heard that some of the mods might be inclined to mess about with the total posts made by someone attempting to sell something. Wouldn't that be awful.
I also rememer the fella that said it was illgal to alter posts...he was funny.
Wasn't a Clinton was it?

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