Can we have some pic's of the broken bits? I loves pic's I does.

Yep if I remember I'll take piccies, but if this rain doesn't stop in the next week its going to be boring at my house, cant get it in my garage as the V6 Sedona is in there half way through an engine rebuild(same engine as the V6 Freelander but easier to time up don't need oddles of tools to hold the gears in place) I did try to set fire to the Freelander but the fireman 2 doors down put it out but with all this rain I'm just waiting for the doors to fall off and the rear swimming pool to overflow:). I've done a few 1.8 head gaskets on the Rover 45/75 so it shouldn't be too much of an ordeal(going regret that) depending on damage if its just valves probably just do the valves and guides or recon head if any more probably just get a low mileage engine from scrappers there's enough of them in the yards around here
Finally got the head off 5 bent valves all on the exhaust side had to break the ends off to remove them but on first look it doesn't appear to have done any more damage to the engine or the head . The head is flat i.e cant get a fag paper under the straight edge so that looks good just debating whether to have the head skimmed as it is flat so cant see it would make any difference.. I have a scrap head for the valve so will remove and replace all of them might as well. When its back together going to flush the system through and put new antifreeze in , have got the MLS head gasket kit etc along with a PRT to fit when it goes back together I'll take pictures if I remember. O and to cap off the rear door look refuses to play ball and latch the joys of Freelander ownership.:eek::eek:
skimming a flat heads wont help except bring valves and pistons closer ,usually bent valves have damaged seat and or guides seats you can check visualy and by looking at result of a few laps with grinding paste ,guides by feel with known good valve ,why had they got damaged slipped belt ,stuck hyd lifters ,incorrect fitting off belt on ex cam etc
skimming a flat heads wont help except bring valves and pistons closer ,usually bent valves have damaged seat and or guides seats you can check visualy and by looking at result of a few laps with grinding paste ,guides by feel with known good valve ,why had they got damaged slipped belt ,stuck hyd lifters ,incorrect fitting off belt on ex cam etc

It happened at start up one morning at first I thought the belt had snapped but its in 1 piece so it must have slipped somehow ?. Much prefer the overhead rocker arm system a lot of manufacturers are using where if the belt slips/breaks it breaks the alloy rocker arm instead of bending the valves, dead easy to fix off with the rocker cover and rocker shaft new/used rocker arms put back on and belt and away you go I believe the V6 freelander engine uses this system
it would sound like ex cam slipped if its just ex valves affected ,its allways a risk withover head cam engines as all are now
Well I finally got around to taking the valves out of the scrap head and my head, the valve guides all look ok very little if any wiggle with the good valves. I did notice the exhaust valve(or one of them) was burnt guess this is why the tickover was lumpy before so I would have have to have the head off at some time but would have preferred the summer to do rather than now, its not too much of a bind to do it now as work is always slow to come in after Christmas till roughly mid -late March so it gives me something to do. All the new bits have come so hopefully depending on the weather and my get up and go it should be all back together soon. As we speak my head is in the dishwasher cleaning its a good job mt wife does doesn't read this forum:argue:
Much prefer the overhead rocker arm system a lot of manufacturers are using where if the belt slips/breaks it breaks the alloy rocker arm instead of bending the valves, dead easy to fix off with the rocker cover and rocker shaft new/used rocker arms put back on and belt and away you go I believe the V6 freelander engine uses this system

The V6 uses the same "cam over valve" system that the 4 pot uses.
The V6 uses the same "cam over valve" system that the 4 pot uses.

Well you live and learn something everyday, I always assumed(not a good idea) that the V6 was rocker arms . I know the V6 is used in the Sedona V6 but there are differences with the head parts along with other slight changes

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