Richard Beckett

New Member
Hello all

I have killed my 90 200TDI!!!! :Cry: But have picked up a cheap 200TDI disco Engine

My question is:- Is there much difference between the TD 90 too disco 200TDI engine convestions as show on some of the threads, and a 200TDI 90 too 200TDI disco convestion????

Try saying that when your drunk lol :confused2:
if you change over the inlet and exhaust manifolds and swap engine mounts it should be fairly straight forward, main difference is the position ing of the turbo on the disco being at the bottom while defender is up above.
thers a thread up on here bout the radiators being slightly different with the points where the hoses join being in different places so you mite end up with issues connecting that and the oil cooler up. Not sayin tht you definatly will but worth looking into! :D
sorry forget tht. wont make any difference. havnt really slept in 2 days so brain isnt functioning properly. :confused:
sorry forget tht. wont make any difference. havnt really slept in 2 days so brain isnt functioning properly. :confused:

ProPlus, red bull and end of year exams are an awful combination hey pete? least john smiths fixes everything.... except a bent landy:D:rolleyes:

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