
New Member
hi guys, my series 3 2.25 has got emulsion white gloopy stuff where i put the oil in, and oil coming out of exhaust!!!!! help what is wrong if anything, has been standing for a while....:)
emulsion in the filler area could just have built up, be condensation etc. I'd clean it out with trike or paraffin and see what happens after that.....There is nothing good or trivial about oil out of the exhaust....if its been standing long enough it may have drained into there over time and after a while the symptoms may lessen, but fundamentally there is a problem there....what slob said!
thankyou, will get man in garage to clean head, maybe the valves are dodgy, the bloke i bought it off had just fitted a new exhaust valve??
white gloopy mess in sump and exhaust can only mean water is emulsifying with the oil.
You have to identify where this water is coming from. Running the engine with this crap in it is gonna destroy your engine pretty quickly.
Find the water source and fix it.
its a bugger to get all that gloop out of an engine too - expect serious money from a garage:(.
maybe get my boyfriend to clean it out !!! he thinks girls shouldnt drive series vehicle as they are "proper motors"!!! will chech water pump, maybe best to rebuild engine??
oh only white stuff in rocker cover area none in exhaust just a small amout of oil with exhaust fumes when you start her up!!
whilst yer can get a build up of gloop from just being sat there yer unlikey to get oil in yer egghost from just sitting there. is it watery oil, gloop, or just oil. and are yer sure its oil and not sooty water ?
you can get black oily looking stuff coming out yer pipe but it is nowt more than a bit of carbon mixed with the water that yer injun will produce by burning hydro-carbons.
so you might have a build up of condensation causing yer gloop and a bit of sooty water coming out teh back.. or more likey yer got a serious problem.

if some one has bin playing with head to install noo valves that would suggest all is ok with it unless he dunt really know what hes doing or he does know and thought ' fook this! just bung it back together and flog it'

you could try a good flush out with a injun flush then fill up with noo oil. and see how it goes. or do a leak down test on it aswell as a pressure check of the cooling system.

me general feeling is 'you have a cracked head or block'
oh! ffs ah must try and finish typing instead of going fer a coffee half way through. so if yer dip yer dip stick what colour is the oil?
how do you check oil and water pressure my oil pressure light only comes on when starting?? will bad pressure denote cracked head/block?? thank you for your advise!!
oil light only on when starting is a good sign.
no emulsion in sump is good sign too.
if its been standing fur some time it might just be condensation in top of rocker cover and maybe a/some rings have got stuck.
depends how bad it is.
We used to use carbon tetrachloride to remove the carbon build-up which clogs the rings, but not sure if yu can use that now. You might find that running the engine frees them up. I think Slob recommends brake fluid, but you better wait fur him to confirm.

first things first - do a leak-down test to confim how many, if any, rings are stuck.
This car sounds like it has condensation in the sump and rocker box.

Make sure the BREATHER cap and pipe are clear and clean inside.
Chances are they are sludged.

Get it running and take it for a long drive. 100 miles at full temperature should evaporate all the water out.


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