eightinavee said:
Sorry,been busy - P0130 means slow response,upstream sensor,bank A.So you have not caused this by removing the cats,if you have immediate access to a code reader I suggest you swop the upstream sensors from side to side - you should get code P0150,(sl res ba B) this will prove that the sensor is ageing and incapable of responding quickly enough.
If it stays with P0130 then you need to check if the sensor is being heated properly,earthed properly etc.You can compare readings from bank B to decide which is correct.Your sensors are Titania ones which will give a constant 5v output from the black sensor wire if they are not heated enough to make them switch.They are also the opposite output to Zirconia ones in as much as they read lean at 5v and rich at 0v.(Zirconia - 0v,lean - 0.8v rich)
Have a play around with it let me know what you find,sounds to me like a simple bad connection or a sluggish sensor,I dont think its too serious.Good luck.
P.S. I'm away now till Monday,catch you when I return.;)

Hello Eightinavee,

I will be checking out the O2 sensors this week - standby - I'll let you know how it works out. And thanks for the break-down on the codes from the appropriate sensors - much appreciated!
Hello eightinavee,

I just changed out my upstream 02 sensors (replaced with new) and the P0130 code was cleared and now stays clear; that's the good news! The bad news is that it has now thrown two P1187 codes at me (remember, this is a GEMs engine in North America with the coil-paks at the rear of the engine).

Here's the other odd thing(s) upon changing to the two new 02 sensors the engine tone became a bit lighter (not as deep a rumble) - almost as if the timing was changed a little - to the advance as opposed to retard (at least, that's how I would peg it with a standard ignition system on a regular distributor and coil). The idle is slightly off when the engine is disengaged into neutral from drive and alllowed to stand a bit and the gas-mileage has gone down a little bit (not a good thing to have happen).

I can't get a code description out of my generic manual for a P1187 - have you any idea what it might be?

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