
I need some advice from those more experienced than I. I have my engine out (11L 200tdi) due to other work needed- bulkhead and clutch fork. My engine was burning through a litre of oil every 500 miles or so, so I thought I'd break her open while I have the opportunity.
Problem is, I have a hard time just doing what is needed and I am considering a significant rebuild regardless of the faults I find. Head is off and gasket was sound. Pistons are pretty coked up and likely a ring or few have gone- haven't pulled pistons yet.

Bear in mind, I have not done any engine work previously. I have a manual and access to all tools. I have 12-15 weeks to get her done (bulkhead time frame). I am considering new pistons/crankshaft bearings, and head rebuild to 'future proof' the old girl. Obviously deal with other faults I find.

My question is, do I need to concern myself with the camshaft or just leave well alone? Push rods are straight and for some reason this area seems a little more daunting. Is it a service item??

Also, any info out there on timing set up for a complete rebuild? Timing pins and pulley alignment is somewhat redundant when the bits are in a cardboard box!

(I would consider a shop rebuild but haven't been quoted less than $6500 yet!! I'm on Vancouver Island, Canada).

Thank you in advance.
Deffo work out why it’s burning brought that much oil.

If you have the time, space and money I would do a full rebuild.

What do the bites look like? Is the engine very worn?
Oh and as for timing all the pulleys have little marks on them that align with marks on the timing chest and are on key ways - it’s all described in the Land Rover service book.

The bolts that hold the timing chest together are all different lengths so make a note of what comes out of where
Thanks for the response. I have an engine shop finally prepared to look her over. I'll get a diagnosis at least then go from there.
How many miles are on the engine? The 200s have a reputation for lasting well over 200k.
My guess would be that your piston rings are bunged up with oily crud so not expanding in the bores so allowing oil to pass into the combustion chambers, if this is the case you may find after cleaning the pistons and freeing them that the pistons perfectly ok
Take a look at this video.
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500 miles per litre is pretty horrific.
Have you checked the obvious like the turbo is not passing oil?
Thanks all! I too suspect a piston/ring issue. Mileage- dunno.

What I do know is that when I had me chassis galv. I had someone look at engine in N Ireland back in 2010. At that time it got through 5l in 300 mile drive up there from Cork so something had to be done! Engine was out anyway. When I picked it up, the engine guy was still wasted from the night before (a Sunday morning)!! Got no info from him until later- 'new pistons, rings' but didn't trust a word he said after the state he was in. Goes through less oil now though!

Up for engine diagnosis tomorrow then I'll decide on how to tackle a rebuild.
Thanks all! I too suspect a piston/ring issue. Mileage- dunno.

What I do know is that when I had me chassis galv. I had someone look at engine in N Ireland back in 2010. At that time it got through 5l in 300 mile drive up there from Cork so something had to be done! Engine was out anyway. When I picked it up, the engine guy was still wasted from the night before (a Sunday morning)!! Got no info from him until later- 'new pistons, rings' but didn't trust a word he said after the state he was in. Goes through less oil now though!

Up for engine diagnosis tomorrow then I'll decide on how to tackle a rebuild.
What was the diagnosis?
Did you do a compression test before you pulled it apart? Or anything to diagnose the high oil usage? My old 19J wouldn't burn that much oil in a year never mind 500 miles.
Scooby, no oil on floor- the unicorn of Land Rovers! Looking like piston rings at present. Bores scored and rings coked up. Injector settings (before me) had been tweaked and unburned fuel debris evident throughout. Fuel injector pump and injectors rebuilt and back to factory settings.
Just waiting to get the crankshaft gear off tomorrow to inspect bottom end. Thing is seized on so making a puller. Should have a full report early next week.

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