
New Member
I have been starting to look in to this leak I have noticed on the Disco 1 (it's the 3.9 V8). I had noticed a clear fluid leak on the floor when I have moved the car from where it is parked, either just after starting up or when returning home.

I got the front of the car up on ramps this morning and on my back looking up. I managed to see where there were some drips and they were coming from.

This photo is looking up at the underside of the engine on the outside face of the passenger side. You can see the engine mount, and the bit where the leak is is the engine block just behind the mount.


Here is a close-up. It appears to the leaking from the circular shape inset in to the side of the engine block.


As far as I can see this is a solid bit of the engine not a loose fitting or plug or something. Am I imagining things and it is just pooling here (doesnt look like it as you can see in the photos nothing above it is wet)? Is this a known weak spot? Any solution?
I believe that's a core plug, or freeze plug as we call them in the States. They are there in order to give relief to the block as water expands when frozen. The plugs push out when the coolant freezes, thus not cracking the block.

To replace it you can drill a hole in the center that will then accept a screw threaded into the hole and you can grab the screw with pliers and pull it out, Or you can tap it on one side to get it to shift in the hole and grab it. Just don't punch it into the block.

Clean up the hole and give a smear of sealant on the new plug and tap it in with a socket just smaller in diameter than the plug. Make sure it goes in evenly.

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Don't understand that as I can see them fine and it would appear 'West Slope Rover' can see them too.
I never knew about core plugs, but having now done a bit of reading up it definitely looks like your diagnosis is correct West Slope Rover.

So does anyone have any advice for the removal and replacement of core plugs on a 3.9 V8 ?
Told ya to check core plugs! If you'r lucky you'll be able to get the plug out but it will be a bit fiddly. Worst case is - engine out to change a core plug that costs pennies. The problem is the clearance between the block and chassis rail. I changed one near the back on the nearside, what a PITA! Could be worse though, IIRC there are two core plugs on the back of the block either just above or just inside the bellhousing - engine out job! Good luck.
Told ya to check core plugs! If you'r lucky you'll be able to get the plug out but it will be a bit fiddly. Worst case is - engine out to change a core plug that costs pennies. The problem is the clearance between the block and chassis rail. I changed one near the back on the nearside, what a PITA! Could be worse though, IIRC there are two core plugs on the back of the block either just above or just inside the bellhousing - engine out job! Good luck.

That was you was it :eek: I knew someone had mentioned them to me before but I didn't know where they were.

My worry is that I start to try get it out, get stuck with it, and end up with a MASSIVE bill to get it sorted by professionals.
That was you was it :eek: I knew someone had mentioned them to me before but I didn't know where they were.

My worry is that I start to try get it out, get stuck with it, and end up with a MASSIVE bill to get it sorted by professionals.

Trust me I deliberated for ages before wading in. Do a search for core plugs and see what comes up, there's a few threads on this. I kid you not though, engine out is the easy way to do it or at least, I suspect you would need to undo engine mounts and lift engine enough to get clearance to do it easily, you might also consider dropping exhaust manifold and front section to give you more room. Total PITA!
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Just had another look at the pics, that is the plug right next to (almost behind) the engine mount. You won't change that one unless you remove the engine mount so might be better taking it to a garage if you're not feeling sporty and don't have an engine crane.
Just had another look at the pics, that is the plug right next to (almost behind) the engine mount. You won't change that one unless you remove the engine mount so might be better taking it to a garage if you're not feeling sporty and don't have an engine crane.

It is indeed that one. I was hoping I would still be able to do it myself though even if it is a lengthy PITA job. Is it not possible to take out that one mount and the engine still be supported by the other mounts without the use of an engine crane, and help take the strain underneath with a trolley jack and axle stands?

How tough are they to get pulled out? And to get the new one knocked in?
It is indeed that one. I was hoping I would still be able to do it myself though even if it is a lengthy PITA job. Is it not possible to take out that one mount and the engine still be supported by the other mounts without the use of an engine crane, and help take the strain underneath with a trolley jack and axle stands?

How tough are they to get pulled out? And to get the new one knocked in?

Normal way to remove them is pierce them with a pointed chisel in the centre them use a small bar or large screwdiver to lever out. Usually pop out easy enough.

I've always tapped them back in with large as possible drift/socket. Need to go in square and until the lip is just below flush.....not as far as you can! Not always easy with a large plug with restricted access.
if the block has corroded around the hole it can be barstard to get the new ones to stay in and not leak, however as yours is already leaking you have nothing to lose lol
If its going to be a bitch to change, leave it ONLY if its a very small leak, it will eventually seal itself or add some radweld into the system.
Ended up getting the core plug replaced at the garage that was doing the MOT for me due to time constraints and the fear of it going wrong. Whilst he had the engine lifted a little he noticed another plug was starting to leak so replaced that as well.
3.5 hours at £45/hour. They are independent Land Rover specialists though so not just your normal garage. Very good guys and good service.
Shortcut fix, if coreplug not pushing out, chuck a ceramic filler in radiator that will sort the problem out, dont get cheap one from halfords, my V8 had water issues after being lpg conversion, chucked ceramic filler in & had no more probs, good filler about £50, cheaper than engine out, read instructions you may need two on V8

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