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I have LR 110 2.5Td 1990 that i bought recently. Since lr dont have air-cond and power steering then i have fitted additional for these two items. Prior to this modification, only single belting covers main crank shaft, water pump and alternator. Now two belting installed for aircond and main crank shaft, another one is for water pump, alternator, power steering and crankshaft sharing the same belting. Problem that i face is my belting life for 2nd belting getting wear off very fast and create a noisy sound especially while shifting gear. I am planning some modication by introducing another belting by adding extra pulley on alternator, sharing between alternator and power steering but not sure whether this will help or not. Anybody can share advice/experience before i proceed on this alteration.
you don't need lots of threads - yu will antagonise the natives - oh and intro is a good idea (in the intro section)
The additional pulley on the alternator doesn't sound like a great idea. There seems to be an alignment problem with your crank to air con pulleys. Is it wearing on one side of the belt?
Hi, but the wear off is the belting on alternator, waterpump and not on air cond belting. Please explain.
I have LR 110 2.5Td 1990 that i bought recently. Since lr dont have air-cond and power steering then i have fitted additional for these two items. Prior to this modification, only single belting covers main crank shaft, water pump and alternator. Now two belting installed for aircond and main crank shaft, another one is for water pump, alternator, power steering and crankshaft sharing the same belting. Problem that i face is my belting life for 2nd belting getting wear off very fast and create a noisy sound especially while shifting gear. I am planning some modication by introducing another belting by adding extra pulley on alternator, sharing between alternator and power steering but not sure whether this will help or not. Anybody can share advice/experience before i proceed on this alteration.

As you have a non-standard set-up it is very hard to imagine what your problem is like.

Can you post any pictures of the pulleys and belt, would be very helpful for people to try and diagnose.

Belt wear is very often caused by the pulleys being out of alignment.
Hi, but the wear off is the belting on alternator, waterpump and not on air cond belting. Please explain.

If you are driving a big extra load via another belt, it will tend to wear the fanbelt more! ;)

As I said, pics would be good. :)
Ok I will post later, it is night time here. Any advise how to get a accurate alignment. Thnx in advance.
Ok I will post later, it is night time here. Any advise how to get a accurate alignment. Thnx in advance.

First check that your crank pulley is secure, and the water pump bearing is good, and the pulley is firmly bolted to the pump.

Then fit the belt on the alternator and pull it hand tight. You should be able to see from visual inspection if the belt is running straight on the pulleys. If the alternator pulley is out of line you may need to change the positions of the washers and spacer on the alternator mounting underneath to bring it in line.
+1 pulley alignment. Make sure crankshaft pulley is parallel with block and then the others pulleys/belts can be lined up by eye from side-on view.
Basically, what Turboman said!
Hi Thanks for the input given so far. Anyway, I have attached the picture of my LR belting configuration. Hope that this will help in giving me further advise.


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Hi Thanks for the input given so far. Anyway, I have attached the picture of my LR belting configuration. Hope that this will help in giving me further advise.

That is interesting, I have never seen that set-up before, although I have seen quite a few 19j.

It is hard to say how good the belt alignment is from the pics, but it could be that the air con belt pulley is not aligned with the groove on the crank pulley. That might cause what you describe with the belt wear.

I also noticed you seem to have a power steering fluid leak, and I am not sure why a tensioner is needed in the fan belt, usually the movement on the alternator is enough to tension that belt?
Hi turboman, if the air con belt pulley is not aligned to crank shaft's groove then it will cause damage to alternator belting? Can you explain further since in my case the alternator belting is the one that wear off frequently.
Hi turboman, if the air con belt pulley is not aligned to crank shaft's groove then it will cause damage to alternator belting? Can you explain further since in my case the alternator belting is the one that wear off frequently.

I thought you said earlier it was the aircon belt that was wearing out?

If it is the fan belt, maybe it is being worn faster due to the extra tensioner which I mentioned above^^^^^^^^^^^^. Might be worth trying a standard set-up, see if your problem goes away. :)
The additional pulley on the alternator doesn't sound like a great idea. There seems to be an alignment problem with your crank to air con pulleys. Is it wearing on one side of the belt?

Second this.

2 previous work defenders sheared belts quickly. Was due to alignment on both as had been tampered with previously.

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