Shane Marsh

Hi guys , my freelander 2 has a engine bay rattle somewhere that's not really an issue apart from the fact I can't find it .Not a metalic rattle, more a plastic or rubber rumble. First I thought it was the air box as it moves around quite alot on rubber mounts. Then I thought it might be the plastic engine cover, wrong again. It happens at about 1000rpm when taking up drive or crawling in traffic, when engine's rocking the most. It does it clutch in ,clutch out, in gear, out of gear , I don't think it's flywheel, just a vibration effect but I can't place it, doing my nut , only between 1000 rpm & 1100rpm. Any ideas guys ?
Does it do it at 1000 revs when stationary?
Or when taking up drive at 1000 revs as you pull away when engaging the clutch?
Hi it does it any time it's at 1000rpm , stationary with clutch in, stationary with clutch out, and when pulling away till it hits 1100 or 1200 rpm then stops.
Hi it does it any time it's at 1000rpm , stationary with clutch in, stationary with clutch out, and when pulling away till it hits 1100 or 1200 rpm then stops.

It's a good idea not to lug a modern diesel down to 1100 or 1200 under load. The DMF flywheel has a very hard time at those Rpms.
I had another listen today and it seems to come from the timing belt side of the engine. Could it be a auxiliary belt tensioner or something like that ?
Mine has exactly the same, pretty constant throughout the lower rev range. I was thinking tensioner aswell. More like an annoying low rumble from belt side of engine.
hi I have a vibration coming from the front. found it was the intercooler that was loose you can move the plastic pipes under the car.
it seems to cause front bumper to vibrate.but I cant get to it without removing the bumper.
this may be of use but I am probably just talking s..t as usual.hope you find the problem.

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