
New Member
My Freelander is continuing to run after the ignition is turned off for about 5 seconds. I am not sure what to do about it any ideas on how to approach it. It is a TD4 02 plate. Any advice would be greatly received.

Kind regards

Also the engine management light has come on twice while driving but only intermittently and has gone off again. I am stumped. Please any ideas will be most welcome.
Could be the electronic throttle valve - this should shut when the ignition is turned off

If it's not working right it could also upset the normal engine running hence the mil light....
Is your oil level dropping? If it is it could be your turbo seals failing. This is serious, so check that oil level, if its dropped a fair bit, park it up and don't drive it.
If your oil hasn't dropped your OK and can ignore this.
Best safe than having an engine rebuild.
Some turbo's whistle a bit. If it didn't and has started it could point to a fault with it. But that could be nothing to do with it or a symptom of it.
Hi mike. I just checked the oil, it was low so I have topped it up. I think a trip to the Mechanic is in order this one is beyond my skills I think. :)
Good idea. If it is your turbo seals, the oil getting in will feed the engine and eventually you won't be able to stop it and your engine will destroy itself unless you take action to stop it. Stalling it is the best option, put it in 4th and let the clutch out should work.
Good luck.
Get it code read if the mil light is on.......

If it only runs on for 5 seconds I guess it ain't the turbo, especially if you are getting a fault code.
Mine did this but also blew white smoke, it was the high pressure pump seals and diesel feeding the crankcase vent into engine.
It is in with my mate down the road. I have given him all the feedback from you guys and he is going to take a look at all the possibilities. On a positive note the new Flywheel I put in and the Breaks that I did are all A1 tip top. But I want to leave this one to the expert cos I am really winging it! So thanks for all your feed back and support I will keep you all posted. :)
Your problem is the fuel pressure regulator which is fitted to the rear of the high pressure pump (well I think it is anyway...). The engine shut down is controlled by the fuel pressure reg opening and killing the pressure in the fuel rail - as long as the engine is turning the injectors will continue to operate. This is to ensure that there is no residual pressure in the system when the engine is switched off which could cause fuel to leak into the cylinders. Hence if the fuel pressure reg cannot control the fuel pressure the engine will run for a few seconds whilst the pressure in the system drops (the other electric pumps are shut off)

Another tell tale sign of this is that the MIL lamp is most likely to come on when then engine is overrun (i.e. slowing the car down using the gears).

It's fairly easy to remove the reg, it's held on by 2 torx screws, give it a good clean and check the seals. I'm not sure if it is available separately or integral to the pump. The smallest piece of debris in it can affect its operation.

I do not think it is your turbo as you would get erratic engine speed, smoke and smells. If it is the FPR the engine will just continue to run on at tickover speed for no more than 5-6 seconds.

Good luck and let us know.
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That sounds like a pretty well thought out analysis of the problem :)

Erm... I wish I could claim that credit but not really. In January I bought my '02 TD4 with the exact same problem, the previous owner had spent over £1,700 with two "specialists" trying to fix it with no success (new injectors, sensors, wiring etc.) The last "specialist" had told him that it was a random short in the wiring loom and hence needed a full new loom. I bought the car on a spares/repairs basis and after a weekend of reading LandyZone I picked up that any fault with the engine running on after being turned off (without oily smoke) is likely to be the fuel pressure reg. So one cold Saturday morning I removed it, cleaned it, couldn't find anything obviously wrong with it so put it back and the car has never missed a beat during the 7 months since.... Not sure whether it was a bad electric connection or a bit of dirt but just removing and re-fitting sorted it.
Erm... I wish I could claim that credit but not really. In January I bought my '02 TD4 with the exact same problem, the previous owner had spent over £1,700 with two "specialists" trying to fix it with no success (new injectors, sensors, wiring etc.) The last "specialist" had told him that it was a random short in the wiring loom and hence needed a full new loom. I bought the car on a spares/repairs basis and after a weekend of reading LandyZone I picked up that any fault with the engine running on after being turned off (without oily smoke) is likely to be the fuel pressure reg. So one cold Saturday morning I removed it, cleaned it, couldn't find anything obviously wrong with it so put it back and the car has never missed a beat during the 7 months since.... Not sure whether it was a bad electric connection or a bit of dirt but just removing and re-fitting sorted it.

I don't know whether that's a lol or an ouch - definitely one man's pain is another's gain - and shows the value of researching problems on LZ. Lets hope it helps the OP as well.
I don't know whether that's a lol or an ouch - definitely one man's pain is another's gain - and shows the value of researching problems on LZ. Lets hope it helps the OP as well.

Absolutely - of all the forums I have used I think there is much more info in LandyZone than any other, regardless of car. Careful research usually results in extra tests/info to get and then often a better diagnosis.

I feel very sorry for the previous owner, he's been effectively ripped off by people who have been substituting parts based on guesswork. But as you say his loss my gain - it has four new injectors, new fuel pumps and sensors!

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