I have a discarded parrot nut stuck behind one of the letters on my keyboard if that counts?:eek::rolleyes::D

ask bob apparently my parrot beat him up **** on his putta and broke it, and shagged several chickens while on day release from the zoo for good behavior
I changed my password the other day, it said that it must be at least 7 characters long so I put Snow White and the seven dwarfs :lol:
Got one recently from a good friend who was 'stuck the Philippines' asking for a cash transfer so that he could get home.

I requested that he provide me with some answers to a few simple questions and forwarded both his mail and my response to the British Embassy in Manilla.

Not a word from 'him' since, and the Embassy is tracing and following up the IP address.

Funnily enough, I had a pint with the genuine him a couple of days later!
still using the same password I used to set me email account up. 21years ago. :eek: Tis never been hacked..
If a hacker is specifically targeting one person - then it's not that hard. We leave our 'footprints' all over the net. (try googling your own name or address)
A 'professional hacker will have software that will just sit there for hours trying different passwords.
'Profiling' someone will usually narrow down the type of password used. (close family names, birth dates, pets names, Address, Historical dates and places that mean something to the individual - it goes on)
They say - ( and i'm sure you've all read it somewhere) to mix up upper and lower case with numbers and especially punctuation - this makes it much more difficult for the hacker.
When creating a password remember that it isn't hard to remember/complexity that counts, but the size of your haystack.

"P@$$w06d" although looks complex and super secure, is easier for a computer to crack than "Apple Pie is rather nice."



I wondered who sent me that link to www.thai-ladyboy-dating.com :)

That was legit.
Bix - brilliant! - never seen this before - is there somewhere i could go to get a hard copy of this?
-This would solve a lot of our guys (IT dept) problems!

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