Dan Meulebrouck

New Member
My 2001 Discovery V8 ES has utterly disgraced itself once again!
I noticed yesterday morning that it felt low on power, it was driving with a big bungi rope attached to the back! When I returned home, parked up and switched off the ignition, the car locked itself, superlocked in fact and would not let me out. The key would not respond to the remote control, the interior lock switch was dead, the windows and sunroof also! I had no way to get out. After sitting inside like a lemon for 45 minutes the cars alarm sounded and it unlocked itself, drivers door only. I was free! I fiddled with spare keys, new fob batteries but nothing would make the car recognise its plipper. More worrying the car could not be locked with its key manually. None of the door lock taps would press down either! I called out the RAC who were perplexed. By the time they arrived the car would start, but the LCD mileage display was reading zero and the gear selector indicator had a symbol unknown, flashing....... a figure 8 with an X through the middle. The car would start with its alarm blasting but would not engage any gear. The RAC left unable to assist. Today the car is starting and the gearbox engaging but making the most horrid screaming noise. The engine is racing at 5000rpm! The instrument display is flashing, the fuel and water guages reading maximum and the rev counter and speedo at their maximum too. The heater panel is dead, the seats are dead........... everything is dead. Land Rover have no idea what is going on..........???? No surprise there!
I have now having had years of pleasure and an awful lot of pain from the car given up the ghost and have arranged for it to be disposed of, I still have a Range Rover for the time being but have ordered a new car. I have switched allegance and bought myself a Mercedes Benz!
I handle all the scrap

You can say that again.

I noticed yesterday morning that it felt low on power....sitting inside like a lemon for 45 minutes...RAC were perplexed...The RAC left unable to assist...everything is dead...Land Rover have no idea what is going on......have arranged for it to be disposed of

So, you identified this yesterday morning and today are prepared to take a huge four figure loss and sell for [£50] scrap?
I'm reading this right, am I?
Hi all, new member Mike here !
I've got a similar but not as bad problem with my v8 auto.
Both the gearbox lights( sport mode +manual) are on, the car won't rev past 2000 without misfiring etc, now the suspension lights and ABS lights are on as well.
The local garage say the laptop is showing several faults and they believe it's the engine ECU.
They sent this for testing to "ECU testing .co.uk", which my friend used sucsessfully and they say the ECU is fine.
The garage say they want to put a new one in anyway and I've said if it doesn't work I'm not paying.
Any Ideas.
PS. the kick down went first followed by the accalerator racing whenever the car started even when moving the acc cable inside the bonnet didn't make any difference.
Please help, Mike

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