
Hi all again I have trued to replace my distributor ignition with the electronic as I think the one I have on there is faulty I bought the acuspark system with the trigger ring etc put it all together and absolutely nothing .the acuspark is red in colour and mine is smaller and blue ? I watched a video on how to install it looked pretty easy but I have a small white wire which screws onto the plate as well which on their the video doesn't have . My distributor looks like it's been butchered the even hack sawed a slot to get the wires through instead of taking it through its proper hole ? My engine has black smoke and is misfiring hence I think it's the distributor as I have a new electronic fuel pump and carb and now a sports coul upgrade so there is nothing left to be honest I have bought an entire distributor with the electronics already installed ( again acuspark) as I am at a loss of what to do thanks all
Hi all again I have trued to replace my distributor ignition with the electronic as I think the one I have on there is faulty I bought the acuspark system with the trigger ring etc put it all together and absolutely nothing .the acuspark is red in colour and mine is smaller and blue ? I watched a video on how to install it looked pretty easy but I have a small white wire which screws onto the plate as well which on their the video doesn't have . My distributor looks like it's been butchered the even hack sawed a slot to get the wires through instead of taking it through its proper hole ? My engine has black smoke and is misfiring hence I think it's the distributor as I have a new electronic fuel pump and carb and now a sports coul upgrade so there is nothing left to be honest I have bought an entire distributor with the electronics already installed ( again acuspark) as I am at a loss of what to do thanks all
ok so you got a new dizzy but still having issues, black smoke normally indicates a fueling issue as in its getting too much and could be causing the misfire and rough running, if you installed the dizzy in the right way you took it out i cant see how it could be any issues there, i see you have a new carb is it a chinese made zenith copy or a refurbed unit as the carby could be one of your issues, yeah im thinking and it could be infact the carb thats your issue, cause you replaced the ignition components and yeah black indicates too much fuel. its possibly the spark plugs have fowled up too.
Thanks for that one it us a Copied carb but as I said it us new now here's a poser fir you I trued to install a full distributor with electrinic built in thought it would be a straight swap but unfortunately the only way to bet it in was with the rotar cap facing the opposite way I installed it , I tried doing a drawing if the wiring diagram and converting it so ot fired the correct cylinders but nothing wondering if anyone else has had this problem Thsnks nick
Thanks for that one it us a Copied carb but as I said it us new now here's a poser fir you I trued to install a full distributor with electrinic built in thought it would be a straight swap but unfortunately the only way to bet it in was with the rotar cap facing the opposite way I installed it , I tried doing a drawing if the wiring diagram and converting it so ot fired the correct cylinders but nothing wondering if anyone else has had this problem Thsnks nick
Have you checked the timing? I have no faith in the Zenith copies after having issues with mine.
Have you checked the timing? I have no faith in the Zenith copies after having issues with mine.
i was thinking that a lot have issues with the cheap assed chinese made zeniths, i know some chinese stuff like some lawn mowers are reasonable and last but its all down to oil changes and cleaning the air filters, i see more and more Chinese high end stuff getting around say XCMG they do a lot of equipment for mining and in Australia a lot of mines are using their stuff. but id still rather the old British stuff it was made well mostly, and serviceable too.
Thanks for that one it us a Copied carb but as I said it us new now here's a poser fir you I trued to install a full distributor with electrinic built in thought it would be a straight swap but unfortunately the only way to bet it in was with the rotar cap facing the opposite way I installed it , I tried doing a drawing if the wiring diagram and converting it so ot fired the correct cylinders but nothing wondering if anyone else has had this problem Thsnks nick
it reminds me of my landrover when i rebuilt it in 2012 i did the came timing etc as per the haynes manual and bugger me down the timing for the cam is out 180deg and its a known problem and the issues is how the haynes manual tells you to set the cam in the wrong position, i was hoping that turning the distributor drive gear would remedy it and i was wrong, and i didnt realise it was a common problem that i found on a thread on this site a fella back in 2021 had issues too, i find these forums very helpful as others may have had the same issue, also i had issues with the condenser it would fail and the car would not run and just before it stopped running it would get dead spots and want to cut out, and id only just replaced the condenser a few months before and i had only thought to check the condenser after i read on a old american car forum this man had the same symptoms and said it was his condenser... you be surprised at how one little thing can cause so much issues. i was at the stage of putting a new dizzy in and new coil and then yeah found out condenser...
hopefully you do find the issue soon.

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