
Active Member
I am getting to grips with the electrics on my 1989 110 restoration.
So fat I have found that the indicator/horn/flasher stalk is defective, as is the warning light display.
Replacement parts are on their way.
I have a wiring diagram but appear to have a component that is not included.
It is a box with cooling fins on it about 100 x 75 x25mm. It is located behind the instrument panel and the only identification is that it is made by Lucas.

Anybody any idea what it is.
My guess is something to do with trailer lights.
Post a photo.

Land Rover did add a dim dip system to that era of vehicles, that isn’t always shown on the wiring diagrams.

rhen their is the ‘low fuel warning ecu’ that Land Rover also didn’t put on the wiring diagrams, but that doesn’t have cooling fins
I have a wiring diagram but appear to have a component that is not included.
It is a box with cooling fins on it about 100 x 75 x25mm. It is located behind the instrument panel and the only identification is that it is made by Lucas.

Anybody any idea what it is.

It sounds like the Dim Dip unit -


This type was fitted to late 80's vehicles.

There are two versions of this unit - one for sealed beam headlamps, another for halogen headlamps.

They both cost a small fortune to replace.

Thx for this......yes that is the have I got 'dim dip' then.
I will temporarily fit the headlamps (sealed beam) and see if anything happens.
I'm guessing that then driving without lights on that the headlamps will glow that correct?
Yes, you have the early implementation of Dim Dip.

With the engine running and just sidelights switched on, you also get dipped beam at reduced power - hence "Dim Dip"

With the engine switched off and just sidelights switched on, you get just the sidelights (parking lights).

Although I have no experience of those things I believe they can be bypassed? Or just unplugged? and that it's not an MOT fail.
Read it on this ere forum I think..

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