
New Member
a couple of weeks into defender ownership, and i am finding a few electrical issues on my 110- nothing unexpected and nothing mission critical!

I am wondering whether a multimeter might be a useful tool, in diagnosing what the problem may be on components, but that is the limit of my knowledge on the things.

Is there anybody in the Leeds area that could show me how to use a multi meter, in return for some beer tokens? I guess that if I could be shown the top 5 or 10 most useful functions, that would be ideal, so that i can see whether there is power going to components, into and out of switches, good earth connections etc, battery charging properly, and how to find what wire is what to wire in spot lights.

where abouts in leeds are you?? pm me if you don't want to be too specific on here.

mulitmeters are brilliant bits of kit for diagnosis, even if you only use the continuity and voltage settings.
i am up in kirkstall, but i work in stourton, so both north and south Leeds are covered.

I will also have a look on youtube. i use it quite often for how to's, but have to confess that i hadnt thought about it for this...
cheers i will do that. i will get a meter and have a play first but may give you a shout in the new year, or when it gets a bit lighter at night...
One of the most versatile tools for electrical diagnosis is a 5W bulb on a couple of flying leads. - An easy visual display of power, but limits the current to about 500mA, so wont blow fuses or bugger up anything.

A lot cheaper than a Multimeter too.

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