
New Member
Hello All,

Been dipping in & out here for a while, liking the forum & all it beholds - good one everyone.

Got a problem thats beating me.
I put my old rusty disco's 300tdi lump in a 1994 200tdi 110 with no engine & a knckered box.
Used r380 & re welded disco engine mounts, & a bit o fettlin. Job done...

But it wont start without a direct wire from battery +ive to injector pump -even though there is power to the stop solenoid wire in the 200tdi loom i used.
I can even start it on the direct wire then,quickly, swap it for the proper wire out of the loom so it stays running & will then turn off on the key.

I was told its an ex waterboard landy so probly had an immobiliser, of which the remenants of the plug are there in the drivers side engine bay/bulkhead.

So... does anyone know how i can get it starting on the key without the additional wire?

I've had a few people promise to come & look (offered to pay one garage guy) but been let down. So any thoughts/solutions will be most gratefully received.
Thanks for reading :)
i think id just run a wire from the keyswitch to the injection pump and ignore whatevers been done to the vehicle wiring
Good 1 ricc thanks, keepin it simple ay. That'll do it.
I did have thoughts of fixin all these stray wires (some live!) but tape em up & bypass will do i reckon?
Unless - as my girlfriend just piped up, someone says "i did that & it melted the whole vehicle!" :eek::)
I'd agree with ricc
direct power feed from the ignition.
If that doesn't work, you could always run a wire from the battery through a separate little switch on the dash and to the solenoid. If you hide the switch a bit is also an extra anti theft thingy :) and theres been a lot of defenders going missing lately!
As for the other live wires, ideally remove them, or at least use some electrical tape and make sure they wont get caught anywhere and it'll be fine :)
rather than tape evrywhere do as i did and invest in a pack of heat shrink tubeing its a lot neater and when its heated up and shrunk to the wire its totaly sealed and waterproof anorl i dont think ill be going back to tape again now ive used this stuff

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