Only if she reads it mate.having owned boats in the past I can vouch for the remark once said to me" there are two great days owing a boat,the day you buy it and the day you sell it" :eek: boat ownership can be compared with taking a shovel to a body of water, digging a hole and throwing money into it. A lot more expensive than a swimming pool @Mark Piercy ;).:D
Depends on the type of boat, my 28' sailing boat didn't cost a lot to own/maintain, more than a heated swimming pool perhaps, but not a lot more.
Depends on the type of boat, my 28' sailing boat didn't cost a lot to own/maintain, more than a heated swimming pool perhaps, but not a lot more.
My last one was a 32 ft wooden two masted ketch which was built in 1924 ,it had quite a history including Prince Phillip learning to sail on her when she was in the ownership of one of the masters at Gordonstoun School.. massive maintenance problem,worse than a Range Rover.:eek::)
Depends on the type of boat, my 28' sailing boat didn't cost a lot to own/maintain, more than a heated swimming pool perhaps, but not a lot more.
My last one was a 32 ft wooden two masted ketch which was built in 1924 ,it had quite a history including Prince Phillip learning to sail on her when she was in the ownership of one of the masters at Gordonstoun, very expensive to maintain even worse than a Range Rover.:eek: but lovely under sail.
My last one was a 32 ft wooden two masted ketch which was built in 1924 ,it had quite a history including Prince Phillip learning to sail on her when she was in the ownership of one of the masters at Gordonstoun, very expensive to maintain even worse than a Range Rover.:eek: but lovely under sail.
An echo:cool:
Nothing special about my boat but had many trips across the channel for wine supplies and some good holidays.


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Nothing special about my boat but had many trips across the channel for wine supplies and some good holidays.
Had to get shut it was costing £2500 pa to keep in in Liverpool marina then there was cases of worm infestations in the water in the docks.all photos lost when my old laptop expired.:)

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