
Hi all. Started the day off doing all the little jobs done that get ignored. then noticed a rear light out. No problem, changed the bulb, no joy. Dam. another 2 minute job getting bigger. Checked the front sidelights and found one of those to be out as well ( same side as rear ). aha thought the genius, must be a fuse. checked fuses and bingo there it was, a knackered fuse. Feeling all clever and organised went to shed and got spare fuse, changed it, sidelights all present and correct. For about 5 seconds. Now I have no sidelights at all. Seems a bit strange as the fuse I changed only protects the lights on one side. Checked fuses again and they look alright. No chime now either. So before I go and retrieve my meter from neighbour could any one give any clues where to start looking.TIA Dave
I'd only be guessing so no, better to test and find out why the fuse popped in the first place, an old fuse maybe or more likely a short to earth.

Even better still is let us know what model of disco.:) I'll have guess Light Switch fault.. if a D1
Must be losing the plot. could have sworn I put the model 300 tdi anyway. Have had a play with the meter, no power at all the fuse. Then remembered the fuses in the engine compartment and found one had blown. replaced that and all was well, for a while. After checking all the sidelights I found the front light very dim and the rear light none existent. Then came the smell of burning!!!! The 10amp fuse had melted. Not blown just melted. Having used all my spare 10amp fuses I put in a 20amp fuse just for test purposes and now all the lights are the same brightness. I know this isnt a fix and the problem needs to be found but does this give any clues to where the problem could lie.
We'll done, so far. U may have an iffy fuse holder but 10amp is the correct fuse so now find why u have a high resistance in that circuit iffy bulb holder/earth connection or tail/stop bulb maybe.

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