
New Member
Electrical wiring is one field that I'm yet to tackle, yet am very eager to learn.

Can anyone recommend a book/DVD that can teach complete beginners how to install some common electrical accessories to a vehicle's 12V system (a landy 90/100 would be great), such as rear work lamps and a leisure battery?

The EBay book is a very good reccommendation.
You will also need a good quality wiring diagram of your vehicle and some good quality tools and consumables - bad electrics on a veh can come back and bite you and when you have fried a loom, thats when you say "if only I had not cut corners and done it properly".
Adding electrical accessories to a landrover must be much easier than any other veh.
When you do have a problem then a post here will reap dividends from those whove been there - wired that.
I'd be surprised if there wasn't some good YouTube footage on that sort of thing. I've not looked, but there is loads of handy how-to stuff on there.

The x-eng website has some good info on split charge systems i think.
auto electrics is a black art, i should know i am an auto spark.

if you don't know what your doing then don't.
the mess i've seen some vehicles left in....

hayes do a very good book to learn the basics

always remember to fuse the new wiring at the power supply
then if anything goes wrong the fuse will protect the car.
if in doubt ask!

have fun and good luck :high5:
it's not that difficult, just a few rules and lots of common sense

i'll have to take your word on that...

as i said in the post," the mess some vehicles come in... after they have had a go themselves... well even had them smoking"

but it seems you know better than someone who makes a living out of vehicle electrical systems...

i just wanted to make sure Greenlove doesn't end up with a large blob of molten landrover park outside his house..

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