
New Member
I've had my defender 90 300 tdi for 1 week now! I love her, even tho I know she needs bits done to her....
I was driving home today and went to indicate left..... Pushed down the stalk to indicate.... And my windscreen wipers went once?????

This was the first time..... But now it keeps doing it?

Can anyone give me any advice???

Haha. I did think that at first and had to check myself.... But no..... I was right!! ;-)

Suspect it'll be an earth problem somewhere. If you do a search on here you'll find the locations of the various earth straps.

I had similar problems (electrical equipment operating when it wasn't supposed to be). Found the relevant earth straps, took em off, gave them a good clean, reattached et voila!
Mine does that occasionally too, i've taken the whole stalk to bits and decided that i'll just live with it :)
Chris I wrote a thread about this ... wipers also swept the screen when I flashed my headlights ... it's an earth fault which took me months to trace. First thing to check which will sound strange is to disconnect the wire from your washer bottle. See if this stops it happening and report back.
I'll copy the link to my thread in a mo :)

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