Richard Lutkins

New Member
While connecting a recharged battery the starting motor came on in free spin. I took off the live lead and it stopped. There was no key in ignition. Help please.
Check the connections on the starter motor haven't got bridged together somehow
Also worth checking the ignition barrel is FUBAR in the back, can happen.
Morning, thanks for that suggestion WD the key ignition, worked it about several times connected the battery and no free running of starter and up she fired. That was a new one on me. These old ladies are high maintenance! Thanks for that.
Regular but cheap I find with them, unless of course you get a badly neglected one.

I find that many an owner doesn't address oil leaks or small rust issues and so more emerged over time and it then takes a lot of effort to fix the problems.

My own Discovery was a basket case of problems until he came into my ownership.

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