The CB unit is probably putting out some Radio interferance to your PC. I suggest you get some 'ferrite' blocks and run the PC fed through them just before it goes into the PC.
Don't forget that your PC internally is running at hundreds of MHz and is probably susceptible to interferance from the CB. Try finding a suppresor unit from an electrical appliance (cylindrical unit with feed in and out) to quench the interferance. Don't worry about it being a 240v one as thats only the rating of the capapcitiors inside.
How is your pc mounted?
If it is in a metal box. just diode up the pos and neg, with apprpriate capacitors as DC or AC blocks to stop interferance.
if it is not in a metal box, get some tin foil, ine the box it is in ground it and apply the filters as i before, there is always a chance of pulses from start ups travelling through systems and fuses, diods and capacitors would be my suggestion.
Re the LED's glowing - When you have a transmitter pumping out quite a bit of power then it isn't all going up the Aerial. The electromagnetic field spreads out and can be picked up by any nearby wire and produce a voltage in that wire.
The use of Ferrites and Capacitors is to either block (ferrites) or drain (capacitors) that Radio frequency voltage. Youre LED's are glowing 'cos they are picking up that voltage.
I would ensure that the Aerial base is well grounded at both ends.
If you really want to see what I mean, try holding a flourescent tube close to your CB aerial when transimitting - don't be surprised when it lights up!
I taught Radio electronics including Aerial theory many years ago in the Army.

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