
Active Member
Hi all and merry crimbo

My 67 series 2a is driving me crazy i was going to order a new loom due to the following problems...

I can start it drive down the road stop it and when i go to start it again it is dead, (i must say that this doesn't happen every time it can go a week a couple). When i try and start it the earth strap gets red hot. I had the voltage regulator and dynamo checked and the voltage regulator was damaged and replaced.

I think it is a wire earthing out on the chasis, the ammeter when it wont start drops below the zero..

Has anyone any ideas...


Has anyone beien doing anything to the chassis recently. The cable from front to back runs inside the chassis so any welding/cutting may have **!!!@ the wiring.
Use a jump lead to earth pot the casing on the starter - If it turns over etc then you have and earting problem - replace/fit an earth lead. After that I am afraid its the old test lamp and check the circuits for continuity. Lots of swearing and questioning the parentage of land rover designers typical for any work on a Landy! If it was easy everyone would have one.
Just put your multi meter across the fuse terminals. Its a piece of **** to get contact with the terminals compared to your modern blade fuse. Not a great idea to poke your multi meter prong into the spade connector on a moddern fuse board you tend to damage the connectors inside if your as heavy handed as me.
My Land rover is turning over but not starting. This is not a problem as it is a bit like that sometimes. The problem is that the earth strap and terminal are getting red hot and smoking looking like it is about to catch fire. Never noticed this before as usually starts and I dont open bonnet. Can anyone comment on if this is normal and if anything needs to be done.
Where does your earth strap run? There should be a short one between the chassis and one of the started motor mounting nuts, often missed when an engine is put back.
It's very important on Land Rover engines due to the alloy bell flywheel housing.
If the earth strap is getting red hot then there is a awfull lot of current going some where,earth strap or no earth strap. Now if the starter motor is not turning over when then I would suggest the motor jammed.

Many thanks for the reply. I will check the strap is there tomorrow. I searched the internet and only found a few answers. It is almost certainly an earthing issue and I cleaned the earth strap from the battery to the chassis. The strap has two screws on the braided wire I unscrewed here and cleaned up the connector and the earth strap with wet and dry and then reconnected. The engine turned over much faster and starts straight away so it appears to have helped the general running. Hopefully it has also stopped the very dangerously hot earth terminal.
Is it the correct earth strap? If an incorrect strap with a low current carrying capacity has been fitted then it may well glow.
If it is the correct strap then I would suspect the starter (or wiring to it.)

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