
The electric window has failed in one of the rear side passenger doors. I can drag the glass up until there is a 4" gap but no further. How can I get the glass up - even if only temporary for now until I can get it properly fixed. I can't leave it anywhere like this?

Freelander Td4 SE 2001
Take off door panel, stanley knife slots in plastic membrane so you can get at mechanism, slacken two 10mm bolts holding lower edge of glass in the two clamps, slide glass up into window closed position, cut a couple of pieces of wood to lengths suitable to wedge glass firmly closed, gaffer tape over cut slots in plastic, refit door panel, go to pub, forget about it. D..
open door parm of hand on each side of window and pull the bloody thing up put a wedge in it .drive to lr parts deptment put cash on counter walk out with new regulator and fit , wait till unknown time passes and repeat great arnt they lol .
Thanks. I eventually managed to get it to go up by pushing it right down - then the motor started working, not properly, but enough for me to be able to help it up by hand. At least it's closed, but I guess it's gonna cost me money to fix it now. The other side doesn't sound too clever either :(

Does lack of use cause them to seize up?
Lack of oil caused by rain getting into mechanism and corroding cable (not electrical ) is the main reason they go. Check the cable if its broken try repairing with a pushbike brake cable. Lots of threads on it.
All sorted now - fitted a pair of new regulators yesterday. The windows are working and I'm £170 poorer. Still, it would have been worse if I hadn't fitted them myself.

Not too bad a job - but the Haynes book of lies instruction to "manouevre the regulator out through the aperture in the door" covers up a whole mess of frustration. But the second one was easier once I'd already done one.
read Danns sticky on top er this gaylander bit, how to keep it lubricated. . . . . .takin bout that ,i'm orft ta pub. . .:)

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