Right remove one of the green ones and see if that does owt to ny of the windows,

then swap the 2 green ones around. & see what effect that has.
So not a relay fault then. Check for 12V feed to the motor. if nothing there introduce one to confirm the motor int goosed. then check wiring for continuity between switch and motor.
Ok, just buttoned it all back up as have to pop out for a bit, will check motor later this afternoon or tomorrow.

Thanks for messages, will report back soon :)
Good news, I have 12 Volts at the door when pressing the switch, buzzed 12v on the motor and not getting anything out of it so hopefully it's just a motor change.

Opened the door up though and I have this cable which I am getting a constant 12V from, cable colors are orange @ pink. Any ideas anyone?


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