45,000 sounds a bit light if mine is anything to go by... my spider drowned the other day :eek:

Not to mention the electricity used making all the steel to build the car out of, just the electricity used to pump the 45,000 gallons of water used to make one car will amount to many tons of CO2... best form of recycling there is, is to buy and repair used cars.

As to electric/hybrid cars - how much extra pollution is there in making all those 'high efficiency' rechargable batteries? What will be the pollution cost associated with disposing of them once they're beyond economical repair? I'd be willing to bet that the 'electric car' of today is going to be the 'old fridge freezer' of tomorrow when it comes to disposal time - with nobody thinking about how to deal with it now as it's such a good idea and ever so PC.

Do all that before going down to the garage to fill the beast with super "green". Even my own waste goes through my reed bed filtration system. Really! The reed bed is just about ready to process my latest batch of home grown sprouts


am i reading this right? you use yer own poo in a reed bed filter thing which is used fer yer home grown sprouts?
we all know what sprouts are good for so maybe you could stick a tube up yer bum and direct it into yer landy engine then you could drive down to the supermarket for free.

using yer own poo to produce farts! brilliant ! ah bet no-one else has thought of it
Funny how most folk think that Electric cars are a new thing! The Enfield I'm after was made in 1974, about 100 were made and most are still in daily use. As good, if not better, on the old grey energy than any other petrol car made in the same era. Also, the Battery Vehicle Society I mentioned earlier (web link Battery Vehicle Society Forum :: Index) are into converting older cars with popped engines into EVs. There's currently a Fiat 126 converted into an EV for sale by one member for £250ono.

EVs were around before petrol engines and there was a time when EVs were the norm see this link: When Electric Cars Ruled the Road

EVs have loads of torque and many industrial 4x4s and tanks have diesel electric engines, surely an electric Landy would be the Mutt's Nuts for any Landy owner who just bombs around in the field every day!

well as i work on a fleet of access machines, many of them are electric, some diesel and some both ! well some are running on cooking oil so iam doing my little bit :) and a elecrtic sissor lifts can be quite fast, some do 6mph ! and yes i hate them ! give me dirty diesels anyday

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