You actually said find some one with a Nanocom to "disarm it" sorry but in my book that is not the same as entering the EKA code and may not have
That is how you disarm it, by entering the EKA code and selecting disarm.
Have you checked to see if the rod from door lock (where key goes in ) to latch mechanism hasn't come detached? Would stop you entering EKA.
Definitely check the microswitches out... I've had a number of BECMs come across my work bench in the last couple of months that are in full lockout, due to either the microswitches in the door latch being faulty, or in one case the EKA in the BECM not matching what the owner had been given, or a combination of both on the last one I finished off this evening.

One note also for EKA entry... on the first 4 initial turns to 'lock' to start the procedure, you'll get a flash from the indicators (or whatever the alarm arm/disarm notification it - most vehicles it seems to be indicators). After the first 4 turns, you should then NOT get a flash from the indicators, but rather a single flash of the sidelight telltale on the instrument cluster for each recognised turn of the key. I usually watch this, and count the flashes to make sure each turn of the key has been registered.

If you can't get it to behave and want the BECM reset, or you need a door latch, then feel free to drop me a message and I'm happy to send you a quote.

Fingers crossed it's something simple though! Also worth checking if you have the door card off to check the microswitches - inspect the wiring loom that goes from the outstation to the door latch, as if the window regulator has been replaced and the loom not secured properly, then the window regulator can catch the wiring and damage it, which can also mean signals from the door latch to the outstation don't get through.

Hope this helps,
Pretty sure we had a member in Southampton / edge of New Forest who bought a Nanocom a year or so ago?
Pretty sure we had a member in Southampton / edge of New Forest who bought a Nanocom a year or so ago?

With Nanocom if the BECM is version 36 or better, if you go to BECM >>> Utilities you can enter EKA code and select Disarm to disarm immobiliser.
With Nanocom if the BECM is version 36 or better, if you go to BECM >>> Utilities you can enter EKA code and select Disarm to disarm immobiliser.

@martyuk has a stack of BECMs. I am pretty sure we looked through them the last time I saw him and came to the conclusion that all but the very earliest cars must be v36 or above.
@martyuk has a stack of BECMs. I am pretty sure we looked through them the last time I saw him and came to the conclusion that all but the very earliest cars must be v36 or above.

Just going with Nanocom write up i don't know when V 36 came in.

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