Door locks and fobs, gives P38s a bad name. When really its the owners (POs usually) fault.

Never had to get to the stage of plugging in. Have always managed to either enter EKA with key or sync keys in door or ignition. Lucky I guess:).

Only ever 1 scare when "somebody " left lights on and thats when we found out the rod from key lock to door lock had come off:(.

Wont tell how we got round it, But all was fine after, and no broken glass.
I have found that once you have set the alarm off, it dont like bonnets being open when trying to disarm (flat battery bonnet open:eek::rolleyes:).

Anyway its done now, It will be nice to know the outcome, and get him to fix his door/latch:D.

There seems to be so many combinations of what the car is not happy with:(.

If it's in Keycode Lockout you have to wait before entering code via the door lock, so maybe Nanocom also blocks it until lockout times out ?
On mine (MY 2000 with an unlocked BeCM) the EKA code is visible via Nanocom Menu's, can also be edited/altered via Nanocom and security can be switched off. ;)
I had a horrible EKA in there at first something silly with numbers all >5. Now it has all simple low numbers (better for failing/intermittent switch-packs maybe).
But if you've switched it all off....who cares?

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