
New Member
This is my first post but i have been lurking around your site. Here goes
I have trawled through as many EKA posts as i can read and over the last 2 weeks tried everybodys different methods and solutions to get my 1999 P38 petrol started. It still hates me. I left it for 2 weeks and came back to a flat battery, charged it and it has gone into lockdown. Engine disabled, windows unset. I have reset the windows and followed the book on how to access using the EKA code. My personal EKA code doesnt work and the 1515 code does not work. I think the system is working correctly because after 3 attempts it goes into key code lockout. I think it must be the way i enter the code or an issue with the actual door lock..................Am i warm? Can anybody advise on what to do next?
1) If i lock and unlock the drivers inside door knob, should the rest of the doors lock and unlock at the same time?
2) Also my alarm does not sound if i open the bonnet but the side indicators flash, most posts say that the alarm should go off if i open the bonnet..
Tired and confused, any ideas would be great. thanks
As Yours says you should get yourself away from all these ruffians and come and join us in the Range Rover section.

However - the alarm can be set in the BECM to act in different ways so for the moment I wouldn't worry about the bonnet.

I think that you either have a confused BECM or the wrong EKA code or, as you say, you're inputting it incorrectly. If the door lock was faulty and not 'seeing' you trying to operate it then you shouldn't get the lock out.

I would; check the EKA code at a Land Rover dealers
disconnect the battery, hold the battery leads together for 30 seconds or so to totally drain the on-board electronics
re-connect the battery making sure that I do it cleanly and smoothly so that there are no sparks as I do it
try the EKA code again, slowly and ensuring that I returned the key to vertical and paused between each input

Are you trying the 'four to the left' before you input the code?
Is the dash light flashing as you do it?

If all of this does you no good then try talking to IRISHROVER or RICKTHEPICK who are a couple of our resident BECM experts. Mind you, once you get onto the Rangie sevction you will find a few amazing guys who will probably come up with more suggestions.
I am imputting the 4 key turn before i start imputting the EKA code.
The EKA code has now been verified by the dealer.
The Red light on the dash flashes all the time but changes pace when i open the door.

Could somebody please move my thread in to the correct forum or tell me how too? cheers
I am imputting the 4 key turn before i start imputting the EKA code.
The EKA code has now been verified by the dealer.
The Red light on the dash flashes all the time but changes pace when i open the door.

Could somebody please move my thread in to the correct forum or tell me how too? cheers

Hiya mate, sorry I've no idea how to move this thread but when you didn't appear with us posh folk I thought I'd come looking to see if you were still here with the tractor drivers.

When you say that the red light flashes 'all the time' are you getting a flash each time you twist the key or is it just flashing on it's own?

If it's not flashing along with your actions then it's possible that the microswitch on the lock mechanism is faulty, or the wiring from the lock to the BECM has broken or corroded somewhere.

To attract more help than just a relative newbie like me you might want to start another thread in the Range Rover section.
Thanks for your help, im going to have a good go at it over the weekend.
I have now started a thread in the range rover section

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