
New Member
1995 300tdi

My discovery went in for a service a couple of weeks ago and asked the garage to fit the EGR removal kit that i had purchased. I had a look over the weekend at what the garage had done and instead of removing the complete EGR valve they had left the EGR valve in place and blanked off the forward facing exit and fitted the new intercooler hose. the small pipe and electrical connector are still connected to the EGR valve.

Will this still do the same job or will i have to remove the EGR valve completely and blank it off there ?

I have done the same with our 1994 tdi only i just got the plate so still have the pipe from the egr to the ic pipe. I have the small pipe and connector attached. Not had any problems with mine. I'm sure some one with alittle more know how than me will come along soon to tell you better, also i may have done it the wrong way.
it'll probably be ok, but to be sure you should get rid of the lot and replace the intercooler pipe as well.
it's easy enopugh to do, you only need a screwdriver for the intercooler pipe hose clips and a 6mm ( I think it was) T bar to remove the egr assembly. make sure that the blanking plate is bolted on securely as it will blow exhaust fumes out if it isnt ( i made that mistake - fitted it while the wing was off and forgot to go round afterwards making sure it was secure - makes a sooty mess of outside of your engine, bugger to clean off!)
The best way of doing this is to remove the valve from the exhaust manifold completely - but this is sometimes very hard to do. The next best approach is to blank-off just after the valve and replace the top intercooler hose with a rubber one from a TDi 200.

Those Hex manifold bolts can be a real so and so to undo can't they?

You could perhaps considor taking the small diameter vacuum hose of the valve, sticking a screw in the end to block it then bend it double (and zip tie) to ensure it is blocked and tidy away. The electrical connecter just needs taking off and tidying away.
I bought an EGR removal kit from ebay and have soaked the hex bolts on the manifold in plus gas for 2days now and they still won't shift!

I was thinking about changing the rubber pipe, putting the blanking plate on the side of the egr valve where the metal pipe is connected to it, taking the connector off and blocking the small pipe like has been said above. hopefully that will still work.


I bought an EGR removal kit from ebay and have soaked the hex bolts on the manifold in plus gas for 2days now and they still won't shift!

I was thinking about changing the rubber pipe, putting the blanking plate on the side of the egr valve where the metal pipe is connected to it, taking the connector off and blocking the small pipe like has been said above. hopefully that will still work.



Hi Matt, it does - that's how I did it on the TDi 300 my wife runs.
Ahh thats good then, cheers thebiglad I'l fit that tomorrow afternoon after I've cleaned all the intercooler pipes, intercooler etc! I'm slowly getting the hang of this weekend disco tinkering lol:D
You could buy a hex bit fitted into a 1/2'inch drive socket. Its a bit of an outlay for the socket but it was so easy to remove when I did mine on a Disco TD5. Beats mucking around with allen keys.

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