Ill make a mechanic of myself lol after buying a torque screwdriver an going about taking the engine cover off i found a split in the hose on the underneath side of the elbow hose attached to the egr, looks like its been spitting diesel or oil an it wad quite sticky all around there, anyway ordered a new elbow hose today an will fit it tomorrow :D proper happy with myself, just hope this is the reason for the smokeyness, what do you guys think?
Ill make a mechanic of myself lol after buying a torque screwdriver an going about taking the engine cover off i found a split in the hose on the underneath side of the elbow hose attached to the egr, looks like its been spitting diesel or oil an it wad quite sticky all around there, anyway ordered a new elbow hose today an will fit it tomorrow :D proper happy with myself, just hope this is the reason for the smokeyness, what do you guys think?

Yep. As mentioned above. Split pipe. One of the most common reasons why they smoke badly and are down on power. Happened to me soon after I bought mine.

I had fun with a brand spanking convertible Mercedes behind me with top down. Lots of black sooty smoke. Needles to day he dropped back quite a bit. :D
Also suggest changing the fuel filter. Easy job.

Also the fuel pump has a tendency to die when it teaches 100,000 miles plus.

Then the injectors are frequently past their best at that mileage and the car will run rough.

The thermostat goes as well. Hard to tell at this time of year but the gauge should be vertical when warm. I didn't notice mine wasn't right until the cold weather started. Then I discovered I also had a leaking heater matrix.

Oh the joys of Freelander ownership.
Cheers guys , i shocked myself finding that problem, well my new elbow hose arrives tomorrow so fingers crossed that's the problem but ill let you know, i ordered the filter set of ebay which comes with fuel filter, air filter an afew other little bits so ill get onto all that once it arrives :D
Got a silly question but was wondering how a split hose makes the car Smokey, i would never of assumed a split hose could make so much smoke out of the exhaust.
Got a silly question but was wondering how a split hose makes the car Smokey, i would never of assumed a split hose could make so much smoke out of the exhaust.

Intake air under pressure from turbo leaks out of split in hose which results in incorrect fuel/air mixture. Black smoke is unburned fuel.
Fuel mixture wrong. Not enough air as it is being pushed out of the split pipe by the turbo I think. Unburnt diesel.
Next week all the filters should be here an ill get that done too, then order the other hose, then the egr bypass if you guys think its worth it, the car is running great now, although one bad point is i found a bloody screw in my wheel today an may have a slow puncture..

Next problem lol the clutch is heavy an either feels liked the pressure plates screwed or could just need a new one in the not too distant future, she is a beauty though :D

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