Wammers wrote:

You must be the most cynical ####er I have ever met.

Realistic from years of experience maybe. More clinical than cynical, i can only tell you things as they are. If you want to believe something else that is up to you. If your mods please you that is all that matters really isn't it?:):)
Ok guys it's all went a bit pete tong.
The feckin' exhaust manifold end of the EGR pipe does not want to come off.
I have destroyed 2 t45 bits already and the studs have not budged.
Any ideas??
Was thinking about cutting pipe and trying to blank the end of it somehow but open to suggestions :(

As pipe is knackered cut it flatten it between two hammers and turn end over. It maybe heat hardened though and crack. If you can warm it, it maybe easier.
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As pipe is knackered cut it flatten it between two hammers and turn end over. It maybe heat hardened though and crack. If you can warm it, it maybe easier.
Cheers Tony, it's gone brittle but after leaving the bolts soaking in penetrating fluid they are off and 2 ten pence pieces are the new EGR, looks neater too :D
Cheers Tony, it's gone brittle but after leaving the bolts soaking in penetrating fluid they are off and 2 ten pence pieces are the new EGR, looks neater too :D

Yeah but if you had bought a new pipe for £150.32. You could have blocked both ends off for 18 pence less. :D:D:D

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