brilliant ! :p

just got round to this s'afty, having been - well - a little sceptical - and, three quarters of an hour in to the "simple ten minute fitting procedure" i was even more convinced that the filth, grease, effort and swearing would not be worth the effort (i managed, with some skill, to avoid the seemingly obligatory scraped knuckles, but - being six and a half foot - cut my head on the corner of the open bonnet instead :rolleyes:

have to say, though, it does all seem to have been worthwhile - i initially thought that the quiet purring at low revs and smoother pick up on accellerating was nothing more than wishful thinking, but having then tackled a lengthy, steep hill that usually has the thing rattling and gasping for breath a third of the way up, and at deaths door near the summit - well....swanned up it with consummate ease and barely as much as a change of note in the engine noise (i just about resisted the temptation to swing round, coast back down and turn around for another go just for the hell of it)

if i get to this time next week without filling up, thus confirming the second claim about improved fuel consumption, i will be one extraordinarily happy bunny

i am also happy to report that - with the sole reason behind my sortie being to fetch the evenings chinese - the "curry hook" also seems to be in absolutely flawless fettle !

waverers - do it !
Thats reasuring, I am doing mine on Wednesday. A friend of mine did his last weekend and said that he did not notice any difference in performance. I have problems with towing and hopeing that blanking the EGR will solve it!
There's been some talk on various EGR threads about taking off the intercooler and most of the intake and giving it a good ol' clean up. This will apparently boost performance even more as it provides a cooler and less turbulent charge.

Not done it yet but when I get a free weekend without rain I intend to give it a go...
why buy a blanking plate when you have a food can lid handy ,undo the two ten mill bolts that secure the egr pipe too the inter-cooler/intake manifold pipe cut a piece of can lid to fit between the two bolts slide it in tighten two ten mills and trim off exes and file edges job done cost £0 done loads of them this way work everytime
why buy a blanking plate when you have a food can lid handy ,undo the two ten mill bolts that secure the egr pipe too the inter-cooler/intake manifold pipe cut a piece of can lid to fit between the two bolts slide it in tighten two ten mills and trim off exes and file edges job done cost £0 done loads of them this way work everytime

Now that's engineering at it's best.. Love it, haven't heard anything like that since we pop riveted a flatened out bean can to the floor of a knackered chevette when I was about 15.
Mate, 2007 he posted, I'm sure it did and its probably in the scrap yard by now
He was last on here 5 December 2009, you may have a long wait for an answer

But if its any help mine did! ;-)
Cheers. Only noticed the date once I clicked the "reply" button.

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