
New Member
I took my new Discovery (TD5)to Pete from bellautoservices on saturday morning for a re-map and I feel that ive got to tell everyone about the difference this has made.

Im sure that this topic has been covered before but i cant find the old thread.Anyways.................

..............booked in for saturday morning so I arived at 9 and by 11 I was back in Leeds with a huge grin and what felt like a different motor. The reason I wanted the re-map was not to burn rubber and race around the town but because I tow a reasonabley heavy trailer (1600kg) and found that steep hills meant dropping gears and really reving the engine hard.

I havent pulled the trailer yet but already i can feel the difference.It pulls really well now from much lower revs and hills dont seem to slow her down at all.

I will post back when Ive towed and let you all know what i think but if I never tow again im glad i got it done and can totaly recomend it.
I finally towed the trailer and wow what a difference.
The only slight problem now is keeping below 60mph!
Hills were tackled with ease and my reckoning of the fuel consumption is slightly better too.

If anyone is thinking of getting this done then i can 100% reccomemd getting it done.

Thanks Pete.
amallen said:
Is this re-map also available for the 4.0 V8 in a series II Disco ??


Yes this can be tuned but you will only revice max 10-12 bhp more.

NASP engines are not good for giving lots of extra power as standard.

Regards bell
bellautos said:
Yes this can be tuned but you will only revice max 10-12 bhp more.

NASP engines are not good for giving lots of extra power as standard.

Regards bell

It is a little bit more responsiveness that I'm after, which I believe an optimized map may give me.
Yes the responciveness will be there but it wont be a massive bhp gain.

if you need any more info m8 give me a email and ill talk more.

regards pete
bellautos said:
Yes the responciveness will be there but it wont be a massive bhp gain.

if you need any more info m8 give me a email and ill talk more.

regards pete

To be honest in a car that weighs 2.3T, I would imagine that any increase in BHP would be barely noticeable. If I wanted a quick car, I would have held on to my twin turbo Subaru or V6 MGZS. I want better responsiveness, cooler running engine in the mid range (wher most of my driving would be) & a few more mpg if at all possible ;) .


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