
Well-Known Member
I know there is no cut answer to this, and it will vary due to blah blah very open ended question, but what kind of mileage do you get from your defender and what kind is it? Want to know what's my best choice :p

Ta Pholksh :cool:
1984 90, 2.5 N A Diesel
Very few extras, i.e. little interior but i have to carry a lot of s hite around with me all the time. It does around 20-25 MPG.
My old 1986 110 2.5 N A Diesel
Was a county, had full interior and a lot of stuff. Did around the same, a bit lower. I did once manage to average 13 MPG, while driving on motorways and a bit of off roading. Rare though.
1986 90, 2.5 N/A diesel averaging about 25-27MPG. I once recorded 30.06 MPG on a motor-way run between Leeds and Durham which isn't too bad. I have rebuilt my engine though (I think Boydy is on with this one too? Or are you happy with your latest N/A?) :p

A 200tdi is said to achieve more (what with being a newer engine and all that) but you never really hear of more than 28 MPG on average in a Defender.

Cool stuff! I was hoping for around the 30-35 mark, which may well be achievable, as when you turbocharge a diesel you actually get better fuel economy. Is the 200tdi a standard defender fit? I've heard transplants from discos but wasnt sure if it was a standard fender engine.

To be fair it doesn't matter to me all that much as I will be using my moteybike to get around and save petty lol.
If you manage to achieve 35 MPG with a 200 or 300 tdi (turbo diesel injection) engine you deserve a medal! It can't really be done. There is a Defender and a Discovery 200 tdi engine, both of which are slightly different, but both of which will fit the Defender. The actual defender 200 tdi fits straight in without any modifications required but it's very, very rare to find one. The 200 tdi discovery engine however, is more common and people choose to transplant the engines for slightly better economy and better performance.

Put it this way, if you buy a 200tdi or 300tdi Defender within the years of 1994 to 1999 it'll have the proper Defender engine. Anything older is likely to be a disco transplant

Garbage Pos! OK so that is top end but as you know i am getting reliably 300 miles out of 40 litres which is just over 34 MPG and that's short journeys round cornwall (very up and down). That's a disco 200 in a defender which is tuned slightly more powerfully but it definitely can be done.
I reckon that;'s what i'd get if i wasn't doing so much stop-start hilly driving too Daft. I've noticed it runs noticeably hotter on veg oil though! (just above half as opposed to just below without)
I noticed it being a bit hotter on veg too, made mine quieter also though. And POS, I am happy with this current engine, number 3! Its burning a bit of oil, am gonna try some funny stuff from halfords to try to 'recondition' the valve guide oil seals, called wynns oil stop smoke/leak, anyone used it? If not i might rebuild it over summer, re seat valves, new pistons/rings, etc. Did you buy new pistons with rings on POS, or did you fit them yourself?
I think veg has a higher flash point but more energy is expended in the combustion, so the engine has to work a bit harder to make it go pop but it gets a bit more power out of it. Probly means it combusts a bit later than it should if it was a precision engine - just as well it ain't then!!
I noticed it being a bit hotter on veg too, made mine quieter also though. And POS, I am happy with this current engine, number 3! Its burning a bit of oil, am gonna try some funny stuff from halfords to try to 'recondition' the valve guide oil seals, called wynns oil stop smoke/leak, anyone used it? If not i might rebuild it over summer, re seat valves, new pistons/rings, etc. Did you buy new pistons with rings on POS, or did you fit them yourself?

I have tried some of that Wynns stuff, do you mean the clear really thick gloopy like goo that you add to the oil. I didn't really notice any difference to be honest, and I don't remember it saying anything about the valve guide seals!? As for the pistons, yes I bought four complete Britpart piston assemblies complete with rings (excluding con rod and big end cap), but it came with gudgeon pins and circlips etc.
I have tried some of that Wynns stuff, do you mean the clear really thick gloopy like goo that you add to the oil. I didn't really notice any difference to be honest! As for the pistons, yes I bought four complete Britpart piston assemblies complete with rings (excluding con rod and big end cap), but it came with gudgeon pins and circlips etc.

I dnt know what colour it is but im gonna pick some up soon, and some radweld. Would you believe that I have 4 radiators and none of them are completely devoid of leaks. I just can't find the bastard on this one. Will probs put some blue coolant in it to see where it stains, make it a bit stronger, if the radweld dnt work.
Put it this way, if you buy a 200tdi or 300tdi Defender within the years of 1994 to 1999 it'll have the proper Defender engine. Anything older is likely to be a disco transplant
The 200tdi was fitted to the defender from 1990. It's what defines it as a defender rather than a 90/110.
For what it's worth I get between 30 and 35mpg out of my 200tdi disco, so when the engine and transfer box go into my 110 I would expect similar.

2005 td5 hardtop

246 mls around speyside and the west highlands. 29.5 mls to the gallon.

Thatll do
I got an average of 30mpg on a trip to the isle of wight last year. That was including towing my 1.5 ton caravan there and back and greenlaning while there. I usually average 28-34mpg. My engine temp also runs on the halfway mark when on veg oil and about a third when on denzel.
90 with a disco tdi200 ....... average about 25MPG

Beware of some people thinking theirs are doing hundreds to a tankfull. They are using wrong sized wheels and it screws the odometer and speedo readings
I've got a 1988 90 with Disco 200Tdi lump, Disco transfer box and when travelling to pasty land on M4 & M5 I fit 235 x 85 x 16s and will average 36mpg at a steady 60- 65 mph
90 with a disco tdi200 ....... average about 25MPG

Beware of some people thinking theirs are doing hundreds to a tankfull. They are using wrong sized wheels and it screws the odometer and speedo readings
Aye but if the wheels are taller the clocks will be under reading so if the trip says 300 they'll actually have done more. There's a link somewhere to work out the difference for each size of tyre
Thats what I thought, but if I set sat nav to show speed the speed recorded it matches the speedo reading within 2 mph

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