Active Member
I have the D2 but struggling where to fit it on a 110 hard top - need it to blow hot air into the back where I spend the evening when its cold when on a long trip. Did want to fit it into the engine bay but not really room. Could fit it underneath but it will be open to the weather. The best option is to put it under the driver seat in the seat box - but I would have to take out all my spare bits and pieces and it is difficult to route the hot air inlet pipe - one option is to route it under the vehicle and come up behind the passenger seat - the hot air outlet needs to go into the back just above the passenger seat. No problem where to key into the fuel line - it will be teed into the bottom pipe between the main and the second tank. Have looked at other threads but any further help would be appreciated.
Ive not fitted one myself but have read several posts where people have fitted them behind the front seats.
im fitting mine underneath the 2nd row seats blowing forward so the kids legs get warm, and feeding it from its own fuel tank so i can continue to run on ****ty fuel.

What about putting in a sinking a small box with a lift up lid in the back floor, it would be plenty protected by the chassis etc.
Thanks for replies - had thought of putting it underneath in a box but was unsure how big the box would have to be to prevent overheating - don't think there is room behind the front seats because of the bulkhead!!.
The incoming air that gets blown out hot is what does the cooling.
They are often tucked behind truck drivers seats in plastic boxes.
The incoming air that gets blown out hot is what does the cooling.
They are often tucked behind truck drivers seats in plastic boxes.
Thanks for that - will have another look behind the passenger seat.
No room behind passenger seat but decided to put it in front of the passenger seat box where I have a fire extinguisher at the moment - will route the hot air tube around down the side of the passenger seat and cubby box then behind passenger seat then up the side and just underneath the dog guard in the corner into the back. Just ordered an extra section of hot air tube with connecter as they only supply one metre. Again thanks all for the ideas which helped me decide what to do.
If you can be bothered with the hassle of another tank for it (unlikely) they run very nicely on kerosene, which will offer you some saving over white diesel.

I have one for the 101fc (use to have a b4 in there, but swapped it to a d2 with an engine change) - ironic as i took out the b4 due to the fuel change, and then worked out it needed low viscosity fuel anyhow (if id known that now, id have possibly just added a petrol tank for the b4)

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